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Messages - Paul

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Ameraucana Marketplace / How often do Ameraucanas lay eggs?
« on: December 26, 2005, 12:26:07 PM »
  Egg production varies within different lines.  Most of our black and blue Ameraucanas lay every other day - three to four eggs per female per week.  The pullets are good layers throughout the winter months with the proper lighting, which is 12 to 14 hours per day.  Our timer turns the lights on at 4:00am and off at day light.  It usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks to bring the pullets which are mature enough into production after starting the lights.  The older hens are a lot slower to start production during the winter.  They will be in full production in the Spring when the temperature gets warmer.  Most Ameraucanas are good egg producers.  Genetics, environment, climate, length of day, time of year, nutrition and flock health play a big part of egg production.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Ho, Ho, Ho...
« on: December 25, 2005, 12:48:42 AM »
Merry Christmas to all, from Texas where it is Indian Summer again.  Expected to be in the 70\'s Christmas day.

Ameraucana Marketplace / South Central District Meet, December 10-11
« on: December 12, 2005, 09:16:54 PM »
Large Fowl Ameraucanas at the
2005 South-Central District Meet at Shawnee, Oklahoma
Dec. 10-11

Ameraucana Marketplace / South Central District Meet, December 10-11
« on: December 12, 2005, 09:03:24 PM »
Ameraucana Bantams at the
2005 South-Central District Meet in
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Dec. 10-11

Ameraucana Marketplace / South Central District Meet, December 10-11
« on: December 12, 2005, 03:17:46 PM »
  The 2005 South-Central District Meet is now history.  Michael Muenks from California, Missouri and Angela & I were the only exhibitors of Ameraucanas this year.  Two others had made entries but didn\'t show.  The show barn was full with 3,000 head total at the 2-day show held in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
  The Ameraucanas were judged by Forrest Beauford.  Congratulations to Michael on his LF Silver Cock which won BB (best of breed), Champion Ameraucana and Res. Champion AOSB (All Other Standard Breed).  There were 4 Modern game, 24 black Sumatra, 3 blue Sumatra, 4 Cubalaya, 1 Shamo and 28 Ameraucanas for a total of 64 head in the AOSB Class.  Michael\'s silver hen was RV from the 7 head of silvers shown.  Michael also showed 4 whites with the cock being BV and a pullet RV.  Michael\'s Wheaten cock won BV and his hen was RV defeating our cockerel in the 3 head class of wheatens.  Michael showed the only buff a pullet and Angela and I showed the only blue wheaten a pullet.  We missed Amy Harrison this year in the blue wheaten class!  Speaking of Amy - anyone who has a good blue wheaten cockerel for sale, needs to contact me, as she is in need of one.  There were 6 blacks shown.  Our black cockerel won BV and one of our pullets was RV.  The black cockerel is the best black cockerel that we have ever produced.  He has a pen of pullets waiting for him as soon as he gets out of quarantine.  I\'m eager to get some chicks sired by him.  The blue class also had 6 head.  One of our blue cockerels won RV and the other one won BV, RB (reserve breed) and reserve Ameraucana.
  Michael also showed 12 bantams, some in each variety except silver.  No one else showed bantams this year.  Hopefully that soon will change!  Michael\'s buff cockerel was BV and his cock RV from the 2 shown.  Two black pullets were shown.  Three brown-reds with the cock being BV and RB (reserve breed) and a cockerel winning RV.  Two whites were shown with the cock being RV and the pullet BV and BB.  One blue wheaten cockerel, one wheaten hen and one blue wheaten hen were each BV.
  We had a good time visiting with Michael & Anastasia and other fanciers during the show.  Michael is very knowledgeable of poultry genetics and has some great ideas to help improve some of the varieties of Ameraucanas.  A brief discussion about where to hold our 2006 district meet was held.  I\'m open for suggestions!  All Texas shows are still out, as they are closed to Texas only exhibitors.  The fall show at Sedalia, Missouri is the same week-end as our national meet at Midland,Michigan, so it\'s out also.  It would be best if the show was in the fall.  There are several in Oklahoma with Shawnee being one of the best in our district.
  We also had the priviledge to meeting Thurman Maine from Arizona.  Thurman is going to be breeding black bantams.  Welcome aboard, Thurman.  The Ameraucana breed needs all the help that it can get reproducing and perfecting it\'s 8 recognized varieties, and developing the new ones.  The more birds that are hatched each year, the more progress made, in accomplishing these goals for the Ameraucana breed.
  Angela will post pictures of all the BV as soon as possible.    

Ameraucana Marketplace / Birds for sale at Shawnee ?
« on: December 04, 2005, 04:11:17 PM »
Hi Thurman,
Michael Muenks will be coming to the Shawnee show, our Ameraucana South-Central District Meet.  I look forward to meeting you.  I do not raise bantam Ameraucanas although my wife and son, Matthew wish I would.  

Exhibiting & Promoting / Splashes
« on: November 29, 2005, 09:29:30 AM »
  I\'m interested in helping with the splash project.  We have worked with splashes for several years now.  I\'d have to check back records for a date.  The best blues that we have ever produced have been out of splash and black matings.  Our blue cockerel which was BV blue at the Sedalia national is out of a splash pullet mated to a black cockerel.  Our # 10-05 Ameraucanas, are out of black pullets and a splash cockerel.  They are some of our best blues from 2005 hatch.  One of our 2006 breeding pens contains black and splash sisters (blues sisters have been sold) mated to a splash cockerel.  This will be our first time to mate two splash which will produce only splash.  The blue pullets were sold out of these so I would know that the splash chicks which hatch from this pen will be out of the 2 splash pullets that are in the pen.  Blue mated with splash will produce both blue and splash.
  I hope others will help with this splash project.  Beth Collier raises splash also.  Both showed one at the Lucasville, Ohio national meet in 2003.  Lisa Cree is also working with splash.

Ameraucana Marketplace / South Central District Meet, December 10-11
« on: November 27, 2005, 10:19:37 PM »
I saw Steve Jones this week-end.  He said that he had 2700 as of Wednesday some classes are full but has room for 300 more.  Which he expects to be filled with the entries already in the mail.

Ameraucana Marketplace / A Glitch with the System
« on: November 23, 2005, 08:00:07 AM »
Happy Belated Birthday!    :D

Ameraucana Marketplace / South Central District Meet, December 10-11
« on: November 19, 2005, 09:14:07 PM »
Just a reminder that entries close for this show on Monday November 21.  I talked with Steve Jones the show secretary today he said as of Saturday morning he had 2,000 head.  He feels like by Tuesday they maybe full.  Hope you\'ve already mailed your entries in.  Ours were mailed off Friday. As of Saturday morning the only Ameraucanas entered were 3 large fowl blues.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Happy Birthday, Barbara!
« on: November 15, 2005, 03:11:05 PM »
Happy Birthday! Barbara

Ameraucana Marketplace / South Central District Meet, December 10-11
« on: November 11, 2005, 09:29:18 AM »
Its great to see you all are planning on showing at our district meet in Shawnee, OK. on Dec. 10-11.  Entries close November 21!  They may reach their limit of 3,000 head this year since Texas Exhibitors can come without having an AI test.  Angela & I were the only Texas exhibitors last year due to the AI test requirement to enter Oklahoma.  Two years ago they turned entries away due to reaching their 3,000 head limit.  This is one of the best & largest show in our district!  They have great facilities with heated building.  Two other exhibitors who were non club members exhibited Ameraucanas last year, but Angela and I were the only ABC members who showed Ameraucanas.  I saw and visited with 2 other ABC members who were showing other breeds.  Thanks in advance for supporting our district meet.  :D

Paul Smith

Ameraucana Marketplace / 2005 ABC National Meet
« on: October 19, 2005, 12:26:25 AM »
  The 2005 national meet is now history!  There were 13 Ameraucana exhibitors from 6 states, who showed 90 bantams, 69 large fowl and 6 junior large fowl.  Don Karasek from Wisconsin did an excellent job of judging our meet held at the Southern Missouri Poultry Club Show in Sedalia, Missouri.
  There were 9 blue bantams shown.  The top two were both pullets shown by Michael Gilbert.  Fourteen brown-red bantams were shown.  Robert Walchak\'s pullet was reserve and Michael Gilbert\'s cockerel was BV.  The blue wheaten class also had 9 shown with Robert Walchak\'s pullet winning reserve and Michael Gilbert\'s pullet winning the class.  Ten buff bantams were shown with Robert Walchak\'s pullet filling the reserve and Michael Gilbert\'s cock the best of variety.  Ten white bantams were shown with Robert Walchak\'s pullet topping the class and his cockerel filling the reserve.  Michael Gilbert showed an excellent trio in the wheaten class of 13 head.  His pullets from the trio filled the BV and RV.  There were only 3 silver bantams shown and Michael Gilbert\'s pullets won the BV and RV.  The All Other Varieties Class consisted of one splash wheaten pullet and 4 black gold females.  The BV was Michael Gilbert\'s black gold pullet and the reserve was Al Nichols black gold hen.  Blacks were the largest class of bantams with 17 head.  Jerry DeSmidt had the reserve on a hen.  Michael Gilbert had the BV on a pullet which won best of breed, champion All Other Comb Clean Legged, champion bantam, champion Ameraucana and champion of the Southern Missouri Poultry Club show.  Congratulations, Michael on an outstanding accomplishment produced by many years of selective breeding.  Michael also had the reserve breed bantam on his blue pullet.  There were two bantam displays.  Michael Gilbert scored 64 with his brown-red display and Jerry DeSmidt won the plaque with a score of 70 on his black display.  Michael Gilbert won the bantam trio plaque on his wheaten bantams and Jerry DeSmidt had reserve on his black trio.
  The large fowl show was down by about half at the 69 head show, mostly due to many of the older birds in molt.  There were 17 head in both the blue and black class.  Angela & I had the BV on a blue cockerel and RV on a blue pullet.  Thirteen whites were shown.  Jerry DeSmidt had the RV on his pullet and the BV on his cock.  Seven wheatens were shown.  Angela & I had RV on our cock and BV on our pullet.  Five blue wheatens were shown.  Angela & I had pullets to fill both of the top places.  Four buff were shown.  Jerry DeSmidt won the BV on a hen.  Angela & I had RV on a pullet.  Three silver were shown.  Michael Muenks had both BV and RV on hens.  John Blehm showed the only brown-red large fowl - a very good cockerel which is capable of advancing the brown-red variety and defeating many in the variety.  Thanks John for bringing him.  There were some of each of the 8 recognized varieties shown in both large fowl and bantam.  Without the brown-red cockerel this wouldn\'t have been so.  There were 17 blacks shown.  Angela and I had RV on our black cockerel which recently won reserve large fowl at our local Red River Show.  Jerry DeSmidt had the BV black on a hen.  She also won champion All Other Standard Breed, reserve Ameraucana and reserve large fowl of the
Southern Missouri Poultry Club Show.  Jerry received the Arne Schmidt\'s traveling plaque.  Our blue cockerel was reserve breed and reserve AOSB.  There were 3 large fowl displays shown.  Jerry DeSmidt scored 66 points on his whites.  Angela & I scored 72 points on blacks and won the plaque with a score of 90 points on blues.  Our blues also won the best large fowl trio and Jerry DeSmidt had reserve with his whites.
  The egg contest was another success thanks to
Michael & Mary Gilbert, John & Kathy Blehm and all who helped with it.  Plaques were received by each of the egg contest winners who were Michael Muenks, bantam hen; John Blehm bantam pullet; Barbara Campbell LF hen; and Angela & I, LF pullet.
  Special thanks to John Blehm, Michael Muenks and Barbara Campbell and all who helped with the raffle to raise funds to help pay for the national awards.  Special thanks to the Southern Missouri Poulty Club for hosting our Ameraucana national, furnishing the beautiful silver plates for the BB and RB of both bantam and large fowl and also contributing to the awards fund.  Special thanks to Michael & Mary Gilbert, Michael & Anastasia Muenks, Barbara & Richard Campbell, Jerry DeSmidt, Jake Hendzel, Robert & Teresa Walchak, Hal & Pam Marietta, John & Kathy Blehm, Angela & I and the ABC for contributing to the awards fund.  Thanks to all exhibitors who came and supported the national show.  Areatha Mahan did an outstanding job on the hand painted plates and mugs which were awarded to the BV and RV respectfully in both bantam and large fowl in the 8 recognized varieties.  They were received by the ABC members.  Many came to me expressing how awesome the awards for our meet were.  Thanks Areatha, for sharing your abilities with our national ABC exhibitors. Also thanks to Nelda Ware of Joe K. Ware Trophy Company for making the engraved plates for our plaques.
  We didn\'t get to make the dinner party or business meeting held at Michael & Anastasia Muenks place, due to an 11 hour delay caused by a fuel pump going out on our pick-up.  I heard it was very good!  Sorry we missed it, Michael & Anastasia.  I\'m looking forward to seeing your birds at your place while at Sedalia for a show in the future.  We had to get on home Sunday to get Matthew ready for school on Monday.
  Speaking of Matthew there were 6 large fowl in the junior show by 2 junior exhibitors.  Matthew won BB, champion AOSB and reserve Champion Large Fowl in the junior show on a blue pullet.  His black pullet won BV and reserve breed.
  The awards dinner party on Saturday night at the Carousel Restaurant went well.  I truly enjoyed this week-end and look forward to showing at our 2006 national in Bay City, Michigan in October.
  We will post photos ASAP.

Ameraucana Marketplace / 2005 ABC National Meet
« on: October 11, 2005, 11:41:30 PM »
Thanks for letting us know.  
 :stare:Gas prices here are $2.70 plus.
Looking forward to meeting you.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Reminder
« on: October 04, 2005, 11:17:14 AM »
Just a reminder that entries close for the 2005 Ameraucana National on Friday Oct. 7, 2005
Contact Pat Johnson, 36 Osage Rd., Urbana, MO. 65767,
phone: 417-993-0099

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