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Messages - Holiday Hatch

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Breeding / Hackle color - Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel
« on: June 28, 2013, 06:24:15 PM »
At about what age does the correct reddish/gold color in the hackles show up on a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana or a Wheaten Ameraucana Cockerel?  I'm trying to pick out a cockerel to keep from the 3 months old or younger cockerels .  All of them seem to have some black in their hackles.  Do these feathers also change color with age like the beards do?  Or should they have lots of the red/gold color in them at this age?  I don't know what are the most important things I should be looking for in a young cockerel?  Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated.  Thank you - Linda Ferguson

Ameraucana Marketplace / Shipping 7-1/2 week old pullets
« on: June 10, 2013, 03:59:55 PM »
This is my first shipment of any chickens.  Next week I'm shipping three 7-1/2 week old pullets Express Mail from Northern California to a very cold climate.  Any advice on what to put in their box with them?  I'm planning on a quartered apple or two, and maybe some orange wedges?  I don't want it to damage the box  because it's not allowed, but I don't want them to get dehydrated.  Thanks - Linda

Ameraucana Marketplace / Re: What's for Sale?
« on: May 31, 2013, 02:22:07 PM »
I'm still really new at this, but I like to start my flock with hatching eggs.  That seems the best way to keep my bio-security in place and maintain a healthy flock.  I've learned from experience how devastating some diseases can be.   There are no cures for a lot of viruses.  You either lose your entire flock, or risk passing it along to someone else.  No matter how careful we are, chickens can catch illnesses.  It seems I cut myself off from a lot of options because I'm so afraid of getting something like MS/MG or other chicken ailments which are uncurable.  Maybe people who've done this a lot longer than me have some advice?
When I have sold culls, I sell them as Easter Eggers for egg laying purposes.  I tell them exactly what they're getting.
Thanks for listening - Linda 

Breeding / Re: e-locus genes
« on: May 30, 2013, 03:50:44 PM »
Thank you John.  This will give me plenty to study for awhile.  Linda

Breeding / e-locus genes
« on: May 30, 2013, 01:34:35 PM »
Does anyone have a suggestion on a book or source for me to learn more about e-locus genes?  It would be nice to know what you're talking about when these initials and symbols show up in posts on ABC Forum.  Thank you - Linda Ferguson

Breeding / Re: Slate leg color
« on: May 29, 2013, 04:00:09 PM »
Thanks again for all the help.  My sincere apologies; in my original post I meant to say I read a post from Paul Smith (not Mike Smith) that talked about leg color changing to correct slate color at about 3 months old.  Linda

Breeding / Slate leg color
« on: May 28, 2013, 08:29:54 PM »
I have Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas.  Is the slate leg color supposed to be a dark slate color or a pale slate color?  I have one hen with pale slate legs, and the rest have darker slate legs.  I read a post from Mike Smith that said leg color doesn't turn the right shade of slate until about 3 months of age and some don't turn the right shade at all.  My 2 month old chicks have pale slate color legs now, but the eggs they hatched from came from a hen with pale slate legs and a cockerel with dark slate legs.  Maybe the hen is one of those that didn't change to the right color?  Thanks for your help.  Linda

Breeding / Re: Breeding question
« on: May 12, 2013, 01:06:55 PM »
Nicole - I have a Splash Hen that came from an egg I purchased to be Wheaten/Blue Wheaten or Splash Wheaten.  She didn't have any red in her at all and looked exactly like a Splash Hen, but I thought she still might be a Splash Wheaten Hen without the red color.  (This is my first year hatching eggs from the flock I started last year.)  Crossed with my Wheaten Rooster, I got dark blue chicks and some lighter blue chicks.  I could post pictures but mine won't look exactly like yours.  They're turning out to be really pretty little blue chicks.  Linda

Breeding / Re: Leg Color
« on: April 18, 2013, 10:36:35 PM »
Mike - Thank you for verifying what I thought was correct about shank color and the correct name of willow.  I appreciate the clear explanation of the recessive gene not showing up in offspring if both parents don't have it; but the trait still being passed on.    Thanks again - Linda

Breeding / Leg Color
« on: April 18, 2013, 12:53:09 PM »
This is Linda Ferguson in Northern California with another question.  I'm still fairly new at raising Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash Wheaten and would like some clarification on leg color.  My understanding is the leg color should be slate.  However, I have one Splash Wheaten hen who has dark yellow/green leg color.  I've never used her eggs for hatching because I think the leg color would be a disqualifier.  Can someone please give me more information on this?  I'm waiting on delivery of my copy of "A Guide to Poultry Breeding" by Ralph Sturgeon which should be here any day.  Thank you for your help - Linda   

Breeding / Re: A Guide to Poultry Breeding
« on: April 09, 2013, 01:30:24 PM »
Thanks Beth, I'll place my order right now.  Linda

Breeding / A Guide to Poultry Breeding
« on: April 08, 2013, 06:21:21 PM »
This book was recommended in my search on the Forum.  As mentioned the only place it seems available is through which is in New Zealand.  Does anyone have experience ordering the book through this site?  Is it a simple matter to order on line from New Zealand?  I'm curious about cost of shipping, time frame to receive it, etc?  While on the subject, I know a fair amount about chickens, but not a lot about breeding chickens.  Any other book suggestions?  Thank you - Linda Ferguson   

Breeding / Re: Splash Wheaten Cockerel advice please
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:35:27 PM »
The comments are very helpful and give me lots to think about.  Knowing how difficult it is to comment on a photo I appreciate your input, and kindness in your replys.  As Royce said one photo shows the neck to be too long.  He's stretched his neck upward in that photo, but the neck may be too long.  I agree with Mike, the comb is too high.  Even though there are three sets of points on the comb, they're too high in relation to what I think a pea comb should look like.  Thanks for the reminder to combine strong points from both parents.  The chest is not prominent and well rounded; and I don't know if that will change when he gets older.  The Splash Wheaten color is still confusing.  I've only seen photos of Red Pyle and Wheaten Old English Game Bantams.  However, this cockerels red color did remind me of a Red Pyle and I had to look Red Pyle up for comparison.  Thanks for all the comments and making me feel welcome in the group.  Linda

Breeding / Splash Wheaten Cockerel advice please
« on: March 25, 2013, 05:46:02 PM »
This is my first post.  Just getting started with Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas in Northern California.  Attached are pictures of a Splash Wheaten Cockerel I was hoping to keep.  I'm not sure he's a good choice and would appreciate some thoughts about him.  Thank you for your help.  Linda

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