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Messages - bryngyld

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Ameraucana Marketplace / ABC Sharing Place
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:26:52 AM »
I haven\'t moved or anything, but I got so frustrated with the new logon procedures of MSM that I gave up and won\'t try again.  Just saying why some folks might not be updating.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Lavender hatching eggs
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:16:23 AM »
Speaking of lavenders.  I read somewhere that there is an issue with the feather quality in lavenders of other breeds.  Any of the developers here experiencing that?

Ameraucana Marketplace / Merry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2007, 08:31:47 PM »
Merry Christmas from California.  The dogs have been working on making a white Christmas after finding a big sheet of styrofoam.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Missing Varieties
« on: December 24, 2007, 08:28:10 AM »
I have always been attracted to the colorful Easter Eggers.  They are why I chose to concentrate my serious efforts on the Ameraucana - because of the Easter Eggers I had met and enjoyed.  Creative people will always seek new colors and perfectionists will always try to improve.  I think the breed needs both groups desperately.  Many people do both.

I think encouraging more varieties will encourage new folks to join up to work on them.  There are so many more Easter Egger owners than Ameraucana owners.  I think we need to encourage them by appreciating (not necessarily accepting) their birds and encouraging them to breed up.  I think when we tell someone to start over with \"pure\" Ameraucanas, it knocks the wind out of their sails.

We love to denounce Easter Eggers as \"mutts\".  In reality, so were our \"pure\" birds once.  So, next time someone asks \"What kind of Americana is this?\" why don\'t we answer, \"Looks like an Easter Egger similiar to _____ variety.  Why don\'t you browse our website join us?  I\'ve got a rooster to sell you!\"  

Ameraucana Marketplace / Iowa City available birds?
« on: November 21, 2007, 10:07:33 AM »
I talked to Al for a long time on the phone.  She has one cockerel from black gold and buff but he is a very different color.  Maybe brownish over blue.  I don\'t see any yellowish hackles coming in, so he might not be any good for my needs.

ANYWAY, we were talking about the blue golds and she\'s thinking of joining me in that side trail.

If anyone has an extra blue bantam pullet or two that I could get at the show, that would be awesome.  I need to make more than just a couple of them!

Ameraucana Marketplace / Iowa City available birds?
« on: November 16, 2007, 09:51:37 AM »
Oops.  Al is a she.  

I met Jay\'s beautiful she when I picked up my two buffs a couple years ago.  Might be the reason he has less time for chickens.  ^_^  He didn\'t have bantams then.

Hopefully, I\'ll hear from Al, but John\'s buff cockerel should bail me out of my problem with the missing color.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Iowa City available birds?
« on: November 16, 2007, 12:25:02 AM »
A buff cockerel would be awesome.  I\'m excited now to think that the LF chicks I kept from Jay\'s buff cross might have lighter gold in them.  One or two of the pullets just started laying, so I should find out soon.

I hope to hear from Al, too, if he has something also.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Iowa City available birds?
« on: November 15, 2007, 04:23:31 PM »
Oh yeah, I forgot.  I could use a bantam buff for the straw coloring too.  (I have already crossed the LF with buff, so I might be OK in the next generation.)

Ameraucana Marketplace / Iowa City available birds?
« on: November 15, 2007, 04:22:21 PM »
I have transport available back to California from Iowa City.  Are there any black golds with straw coloring or brown reds that are too light available?  I need the straw coloring in both bantam and LF.

My email is

Ameraucana Marketplace / need straw colored black/gold
« on: November 12, 2007, 10:53:17 AM »
I looked back at all my photos of black gold birds and the only straw colored hackles and rumps I have are on blues.  I need to bring the straw color into my flock because it\'s doesn\'t appear to be present in my gene pool.  Argh.  

I\'d be very grateful to anyone that could help me with stock.  

If not, what would be the best breed/variety to bring in for the proper color?  If I brought in the Golden Phoenix, I\'d have color but don\'t know if I could ever lose the tail length.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Maran x blue egg experiment
« on: September 17, 2007, 12:29:28 PM »
I think Michael crossed some Marans with Ameraucana and got olive drab colored eggs.  I was wondering if anyone has kept those 1st generation crosses to see what the blue will be in the 2nd or 3rd generation.

There are at least two sources of true Ameraucanas in Sacramento County, both of us at the north end - near Sutter, Yuba and Placer Counties.  Linda has some nice Wheaten (Cree stock) and I have Black Gold (a variety in progress).  I do get some solid recognized colors in my hatches, but they have black or blue gold parents...  Contact me privately for Linda\'s email:

Ameraucana Marketplace / Ameraucanas Available
« on: September 04, 2007, 06:50:00 AM »
I would love some LF brown reds  and also a couple of black golds with good gold color but would also like transportation back to California.  Shipping is on hold out here because of the heat.  That reminds me, there is a network of goat show folks that will also haul chickens (or dogs) for help with gas money.  

Ameraucana Marketplace / Finally made a webpage!
« on: August 26, 2007, 01:39:48 AM »
Thanks for all the comments.  I did notice the crow beaks (and yes, Mike, they came from your male you sent, but he also gave me the best laced daughters.).  As long as I keep getting good beaks to choose from later, I\'m not worried.  I\'m a long way from culling for the little stuff.  I\'m still getting a wide variety of colors in the hatches.  I have been a bit concerned because I don\'t seem to be getting the light gold color anymore.  I may have to make another addition to the flock to add it back in.

As far as working on new colors or just dreaming about it... if you DON\'T put two chickens together just to see what you get - next year you will be a year older.  In other words \"why not?\"  What\'s the worst thing that can happen?  You have a bunch of Easter Eggers that you find homes for.  (I embrace the Easter Eggers as part of being Ameraucana.)

Most of all - do it because it is FUN.  It feels good.  If it doesn\'t make you feel good, don\'t do it.

Lyne (huge EE supplier in Sacramento)  

Ameraucana Marketplace / Finally made a webpage!
« on: July 02, 2007, 09:40:14 PM »
I finally had some time (blew out a knee) and an internet connection at the same time.  I made a webpage for my black and blue golds.  They\'re the best photos I\'ve got... and the best birds I\'ve got... still working...

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