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Messages - Sharon Yorks

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Exhibiting & Promoting / The Ohio National - Meet Report - Nov 7-9, 2014
« on: November 13, 2014, 02:17:38 PM »
In the Open Class at the Ohio National, there were a total of 84 Ameraucanas shown...56 LF by 12 exhibitors with 8 different varieties being represented and 28 bantams shown by 6 exhibitors, also displaying 8 different varieties. A BIG congratulations goes to Jerry DeSmidt for winning the BB and Champion AOSB in the LF with his beautiful white cockerel, and also winning BB with his blue wheaten bantam cockerel and RB with his wheaten bantam pullet. Congratulations also to Camille Lewandowski for her RB and Res AOSB win with her black LF hen.

Wins in the Open Class include:
LF, Camille Lewandowski - blue, Camille Lewandowski - blue wheaten, Jerry DeSmidt - brown red, Mike Gilbert - wheaten, Jerry DeSmidt - white, Jerry DeSmidt - splash, Janis Orndorf - lavender, Jennifer Louden

Bantam, Jerry DeSmidt - blue, Jerry DeSmidt - blue wheaten, Jerry DeSmidt - buff, George Heitger - silver, Susie Everse - wheaten, Jerry DeSmidt - white, Jerry DeSmidt - lavender, Paul Danafaye

Wins in the Junior Class include:
LF, Lillian Cooper - blue, Keesha Ivins - brown red, Tommy McComis - Silver, Jillian Salmon - splash, Keesha Ivins - lavender, Colton Brush

Bantam BVs...lavender, Sadie Evans

I'm going through pictures now and will be posting them soon. The lighting was not the best and birds did not want to cooperate so I will post what I have that is useable. 

Open LF... Scroll down for more pictures

Breeding / Re: Need some advice.
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:58:44 PM »
Hi Brett,

Can you post more pictures of them? It's kind of hard to get a good look at them with just one photo.

Breeding / Re: Red ticking in body fluff Wheaten Male
« on: October 25, 2014, 11:05:45 AM »
I am not that knowledgeable about that variety, but I think I would take more into consideration before culling him, such nice is his body type, size, comb, eye color, temperament, feather quality, & whether or not you have a better one to breed to. I was told you have to build your barn before you can paint it. If this bird has other qualities you "need" in your line, you may want to experiment with him to see if he throws the ticking onto his chicks. Do any of his hatch mates show the same ticking? 

Exhibiting & Promoting / Re: Congrats to Jan Burke
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:40:20 PM »
Way to go, Jan! I see a great growing interest in Ameraucanas in many areas and am glad to see they are becoming more popular. A big thank you to the breeders who are working hard at improving the breed and to those judges who are giving them more than a second look now.

Housing, Health & Hatching / Re: Leg Bands vs. Wing Bands
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:31:41 PM »
Thanks, DeWayne. I have my flyswatter wire on hand   :)

Here is a website link to the Ohio National Columbus show in November:

Housing, Health & Hatching / Re: Leg Bands vs. Wing Bands
« on: October 18, 2014, 11:39:24 AM »
Thanks, Paul. Snapped the thing in 3 places trying to pull start a rototiller. When I yanked, it yanked back. Got me a cool-looking camo cast  :)

Housing, Health & Hatching / Re: Leg Bands vs. Wing Bands
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:02:32 PM »
Sorry to be late responding. I haven't been on the computer for a while. I broke my wrist on Monday and am having to do everything left handed. Wow is THAT weird! I purchase the little rubber bands from Sheryl Allred, the same person Gordon is talking about. She donated some for our National Meet. Jensen and Camille both received some. Here is a link to one of her Ebay ads:

They are a little cheaper if you buy them from her directly at:

Exhibiting & Promoting / Re: 2014 State Fair of Texas
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:16:15 AM »
I won BV BB Best AOSB and reserve grand champion standard of the open show with a black Ameraucana cockerel from Sharon Yorks.

Congratulations, Max! I'm so glad Clubber made the trip from Lucasville to Texas without starting into his molt. He didn't seem at all stressed at Lucasville and actually looked like he liked strutting his stuff in that double coop so hopefully he'll hang on to those feathers so you can show him at Fayetteville. He's a full brother (hatch mate) to the cockerel that won AOSB at Canfield so I'm thinking it's a good idea to hatch some more of those. Ahem...Clif! Max...Keep me updated on how he does for you. Clubber...Sniff, did your momma proud!

Breeding / Re: Is it just me?
« on: October 13, 2014, 09:53:45 AM »
Hatching now is perfect for shows like Canfield, OH in early June (come on down!) and for kids wanting fair projects. In the last two days I have been also figuring out which pullets are going to be with which cockerels. Yes, it's OCD...Obsessive Chicken Disorder  :o

Housing, Health & Hatching / Re: Processing
« on: October 12, 2014, 11:00:49 AM »
It would be a long ways for you to drive, but there is an Amish family about 40 minutes from me that has a very clean business and process many birds. I used to take my meat birds there and they did it while I waited. It takes a few hours, but I'd just go hang out at the diner while I waited or sat in my truck using the quiet time to write. There is a local person right around the corner here, but after I seen how dirty her facility was, I won't ever go back. How many birds are you talking about? I'm sure there is some place closer to you...but if not, come on over. I'd love to see you guys again on a less hectic day  :)

Exhibiting & Promoting / Re: National Meet Pictures
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:45:20 AM »
Paul & Matthew took most of the pictures I'm posting. Hannah Brush had to leave Saturday night so I picked up her awards and bird and met them on the road on my way home Sunday. I told her I needed a winning shot with her trophy so she posed with her pullet for me. I was like, "Please don't let that bird fly away and get hit by a car, just for a picture!" Hannah has done a great job with her and she is quite the pet.

Unfortunately, Matt Parker wasn't able to make it to the National Meet this year. I really wish he could have seen how well received and beautiful his poultry carrying boxes were. These pictures don't even come close to showing how nice they are. Very good quality! Each had a gold metal plate put on them. I just hadn't gotten them all on when this picture was taken.

Exhibiting & Promoting / National Meet Pictures
« on: October 12, 2014, 12:02:36 AM »
If anyone has any other National Meet pictures, this would be a great place to post them.

Russell Blair winning the Bantam Traveling Trophy.

Max Strawn won the Arne Schmidt Memorial Traveling Plaque with his beautiful blue pullet.

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