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You are in our prayers.
News and Information / Re: Contact for the club between March 14th - March 17th
« Last post by Paul on March 01, 2024, 11:36:32 AM »
Praying for you!
News and Information / Re: Contact for the club between March 14th - March 17th
« Last post by kkdossey on March 01, 2024, 09:01:47 AM »
Yes, that may be true. Lol.
Also prayers for you.
Thank you! Someone needs to be around to keep the SC DD in line.
News and Information / Re: Contact for the club between March 14th - March 17th
« Last post by far149 on February 29, 2024, 12:27:27 PM »
Pray you have a speedy recovery!
News and Information / Contact for the club between March 14th - March 17th
« Last post by Lindsay Helton on February 28, 2024, 02:19:25 PM »
I am going to have surgery on March 14th. I plan to have everything current for the club prior to being admitted to the hospital and will need to step away for a few days. If members of the club need anything from March 14th - March 17th please contact Jean Ribbeck via email.
News and Information / Re: ABC Renewal Time
« Last post by Lindsay Helton on February 27, 2024, 01:23:47 PM »
This is the last week of our grace period!

Next week I will start working on website updates for 2024.

If you do not want a forum account for 2024 please let me know and I will try to handle all updates at the same time.
Ameraucana Marketplace / Day Old Large Fowl Ameraucana Chicks
« Last post by Paul on February 26, 2024, 10:37:48 AM »
  We set our second incubator of this hatching season.  Monday February 26th.  We can still accept orders for day old chicks in black, blue, splash, white, self blue, self blue split to black and our other blue egg layer breed.

  Email Paul & Angela Smith at for chick order info.


  Paul & Angela
News and Information / Re: Egg cards are restocked again!
« Last post by Lindsay Helton on February 20, 2024, 05:34:35 PM »
Thanks for the great participation on ordering egg charts! We are down to 6. I have ordered another batch.
News and Information / Egg cards are restocked again!
« Last post by Lindsay Helton on February 15, 2024, 11:02:53 PM »
Our egg color reference card was restocked today! Reviews have all been positive so far!

The colors for our new egg color reference card were derived from Ameraucana eggshells and the samples are roughly 4x the size of the samples on our previous card. It is double-sided and printed on 5x7 cardstock!
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