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Breeding / Re: LF Self Blue Ameraucana Progress
« Last post by far149 on February 07, 2024, 03:51:42 PM »
They would be happier in Texas, I believe.
Website Changes / Re: No Emojis?
« Last post by far149 on February 07, 2024, 03:49:08 PM »
Are you implying I'm slow, Your Royal Directorness?

You are correct; I can't see an emoji.

All hail the South Central Supreme Poobah!
Breeding / Transverse pigment bars on lavender plumage: What causes it?
« Last post by Lindsay Helton on February 07, 2024, 10:54:16 AM »
Here are two articles if you want to read about what is happening from a scientific standpoint.

There is defective peripheral accumulation of melanosomes to the dendrites. This results in the patchy transfer of melanosomes into the keratinocytes of the growing feather. The dilution effect is essentially the result of a mixture of pigmented and unpigmented regions within the feather barbs.

Disruption of a triprotein complex reduces the capacity for melanosome translocation to the periphery of the cell in readiness for transfer to the keratinocytes of the developing feather.

Lavender melanocytes, both in vivo and in vitro, produce melanosomes normally but are defective in melanosome translocation. This defect results in a congestion of melanosomes perinuclearly and the absence of dendritic pigment.

In lavender melanocytes prominent pigmentless dendrites emanate from melanosome-congested perikarya. The apparent defect in lavender melanocytes in vivo involves aberrant melanosome distribution. In lavender, melanosomes migrate only as far as the region of dendrite initiation resulting in melanin-congested perikarya and pigment-less dendrites.

In lavender melanocytes, melanosomes fail to move beyond the region of dendrite initiation. Melanosomes are restricted to perinuclear regions in some lavender melanocytes while in others, melanosomes migrate as far as the bases of the dendrites.

In a wild-type melanocyte melanosomes are evenly distributed throughout the cell body and dendrite, and accumulate in the dendritic tip in preparation for melanosome transfer. In a lavender melanocyte melanosomes are restricted to perinuclear regions. The production of melanosomes is normal although their distribution is not.
News and Information / Re: Member handbooks
« Last post by Lindsay Helton on February 05, 2024, 04:16:26 PM »
The new handbooks arrived! Marketplace shipments will be caught up tomorrow.
Upcoming Meets / Re: 2/2/2024, Dixie Classic Spring Show, Knoxville, TN
« Last post by kkdossey on February 05, 2024, 09:42:47 AM »
Yea me too, I've had to pass on a couple for that reason as well.
Upcoming Meets / Re: 3/16/2024 Cascade Spring Show, Monroe WA
« Last post by kkdossey on February 05, 2024, 09:42:10 AM »
Ok very good.
Only takes one to win!
Hello everyone,
I have a nice lady who is flying from Iowa to Germany in mid-April. This lady would bring me 10 hatching eggs in her carry-on luggage.
Is there anyone in the Iowa region who could send 10 eggs (very well packaged please) to this lady in time for her to bring back to Germany?
I'll get the exact flight details in the next few weeks.
It would be very nice if someone would contact me and support us in Germany with a start with Self Blue Ameraucana.
Thanks in advance.
Upcoming Meets / Re: 3/16/2024 Cascade Spring Show, Monroe WA
« Last post by Jean on February 03, 2024, 08:00:04 PM »
Yes,  I'll probably have one bantam.  Lol

I usually go to sell stock there.
Upcoming Meets / Re: 2/2/2024, Dixie Classic Spring Show, Knoxville, TN
« Last post by Lindsay Helton on February 03, 2024, 11:36:13 AM »
I won’t be at this one! I have my breeding pens set up for Spring! Thanks for checking!
Upcoming Meets / Re: 3/16/2024 Cascade Spring Show, Monroe WA
« Last post by kkdossey on February 03, 2024, 10:25:45 AM »
Are you going to this one Jean?
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