Author Topic: Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!  (Read 3606 times)


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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« on: May 14, 2009, 10:50:37 AM »
For all you mystery fans here is a good one. I discovered this morning three pens of bantams with massive deaths. Here are the facts:

All was fine at 8:00pm yesterday evening.
We had thunderstorms last night.
Three pens of bantams with dead birds. The three pens are right next to each other in the following order:

- silver pen 1 surviving hen, all birds accounted for, (except a peahen that was living with them) 6 dead hens, one dead cock. Cock found in yard dead. 2 hens dead on nest where brooding. No damage except on 2 hens the ova duct is outside the body, one with an egg in. Pen net is down. No scattered feathers. A few birds with blood coming out of beak. A couple of birds are on their backs with there legs folded like the just fell off the roost. The peahen is missing and suspect she busted the pen netting cover off when whatever happened happened.

- blue/splash pen 6 surviving birds, one dead hen found in yard, some scattered feathers.

- white pen 2 barely surviving birds, 7 dead hens and 2 dead cocks. Lots of feathers scattered, no skin broken, several with blood out of mouth, several on backs like the just fell over, pen fencing okay.

What do you think? My wife is wondering about lightning.

Mike Gilbert

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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2009, 02:10:45 PM »
I would say electrocution by lightning.   I\'m so sorry for your losses Michael.   Every year I worry about our deer in the pasture, even though there are no trees for them to get under.     But now in our ninth year there has only been one unexplained death - we suspected lightning at the time, but we did not do an autopsy.


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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2009, 08:18:20 PM »
I\'m going to second the lightning suggestion.  Members of our family have not had great luck with lightning.  We have lost cattle from lightning and the closest tree is 1/4 to 1/2 mile away.  They are in the middle of a prairie grass pasture and then they are lying down where they stood, dead as all getout.  We have lost hogs too that were just out in their pens, closer to buildings granted, but no other damage was done except the dead animals.  We have fried our well pump twice in the last 15 years due to lightning strikes that were miles away.  Wicked bad stuff.  We are out in the Flinthills and it is pretty wide open, not like where you folks live.  I am surprised that you did not hear anything if it was that close.
Sorry for the loss of birds.  Seems like you get hit with something every now and then.

Ken Olsen


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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2009, 08:32:35 PM »
What do you think?

I can understand Anastasia thinking it was lightning from the results you reported, but don\'t be too quick to rule out the possibility of aliens (the kind from outer-space)!

Johnny Parks

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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2009, 04:29:54 PM »
My uncle is a big time pigeon man.  He had over a 1000 birds easy of many breeds.  Well, last year while he was out of state, lightning struck his pens and the fire destroyed everything.   Michael, I\'m sorry for your lose.


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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2009, 02:17:34 PM »
So VERY SORRY for the tragedy you and your birds experienced.


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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2009, 07:46:30 AM »
Quote from: Mike Gilbert
I would say electrocution by lightning.   I\'m so sorry for your losses Michael.   Every year I worry about our deer in the pasture, even though there are no trees for them to get under.     But now in our ninth year there has only been one unexplained death - we suspected lightning at the time, but we did not do an autopsy.

My first thought  was  lightning.

Sorry for your loss.

I live in capital lightning  of the world (Tampa Bay  Fl)
Last year  lighting  stroke  a huge  grandpa  live oak tree,  then traveled   through  the ground  and burned  up my well  pump  without  doing any damage  to  the rest or home electrical installation.


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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2009, 03:58:41 PM »
It has been a weird couple of weeks! The consensus around here was lightning also.


Mike Gilbert

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Weird Chicken Deaths - last night - Need Sherlock Holmes!
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2009, 03:54:40 PM »
According to the dictionary, the word is lightning.   Not lighting or lightening.    Don\'t mean to be picky, but the other spellings also have other meanings.