Author Topic: Behavior Issues  (Read 2210 times)


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Behavior Issues
« on: September 09, 2009, 09:56:44 PM »
I have had my two 7 mo. old ameraucanas since Saturday.  So far, after coming out of their coop in the mornings, they run to a shaded bush and remain there all day.  They might come out if I sit on the porch beside them.  There is all this wonderful green grass.  They do not peck at it except when I am sitting with them.  Is this normal? :thinking:

Birch Run Farm

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Behavior Issues
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 07:47:04 AM »
Were they raised indoors, not on grass at all?


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Behavior Issues
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 04:50:52 PM »
Not normal.
You might try cutting up some grass and sprinkling it on the floor of their coop. They may feel safer there & more willing to experiment/explore. And seeing non-attached grass clippings may help them figure out about eating it, and then they\'d transition to grazing better.

You might try putting out additional \"obstactles\" in the yard to see if that helps them feel safer about ranging more and further. Maybe put one or two close to coop, as well as some further away. A picnic table, sacks of feed, a chair, trimmed tree branches, bikes, or a vehicle are some ideas. Chickens can be more confident when they have options close by: objects they can circle around if chased by predators or other chickens, shade or shelter that keeps predators from spotting them, cover where hawks can\'t snatch them, perches they can fly onto to escape dogs, etc.

Try to avoid having any dead-end spots where chickens can get cornered, too. If pursued, they may get funneled in when desperate, even if they normally know to avoid those areas.