Author Topic: Roosters from Washington and Hens from Texas  (Read 2140 times)


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Roosters from Washington and Hens from Texas
« on: December 15, 2009, 11:49:11 PM »
I\'m happy with my Splash, Blue and Black birds.  I have 3 roosters from the Crees in Washington and lots of hens from the Paul Smith Texas farm.  Next spring the mixing begins and I should come up with some dandy birds. I have some beautiful poultry.
I will be looking for a nice black male not related to Smith or Cree. I tried to copy in a photo of Oreo,  my Splash dominant rooster, but was unable to do this.  Does anyone know how to get photos on this site into the chat rooms ? Another question ..  will putting lights in the coop shorten the life of a bird or lessen the days of laying for her.

 Sactownjack/Chicken Will