Author Topic: Feed and environment poll  (Read 2367 times)


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Feed and environment poll
« on: July 16, 2010, 01:16:32 PM »
Earlier this year there was the discussion where some of us were having difficulty of some hens young and old not laying as we were accustom to, as well as egg hatch-ability. I was hoping to revisit this discussion. How is everyone doing now. Has there been any change for those who were having difficulty?
  I have several breeds of chickens and 2 turkey hens. My first eggs started about March...Ancona,Salmon Favarolles & misc. stars have continued without fail. Ameraucanas, a few dozen throughout may-June now stopped. Welsummers a few, RIR & Barnevelders no eggs at all. The partial(eagle entrees) free rangers seem to be doing the best.
  Our weather has been up & down. Finally end of June we started having consistent summer after mostly cold fall weather. I mostly stick with Purina feeds but have used some other brands when i am unable to make my favorite feed dealer. No chemicals used.
   Something i often wonder is if any of the following may somehow be related. The push for more GMO grains in our feeds-this can also be regional. The inconsistent weather?  More livestock feed being developed from Round-Up ready plants. Change of feed recipes?
 I\'m also interested in what everyone likes in chicken management regarding enclosures, space & numbers, flooring, soil, sawdust, straw, wire.

Thankyou for your thoughts, eliz

Beth C

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Feed and environment poll
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2010, 02:10:25 PM »
I think my issues have been largely due to weather. Our winter was unusually cold & wet, our spring & summer unusually hot & dry, and there was absolutely no transition period in between - it went from freezing to hot in about 3 weeks. My birds started laying mid January, about 6 weeks earlier than normal, and went into molt early, too. Since the first week of June I\'ve had one hen laying.

Not only have I been getting fewer eggs, but I\'m having fewer hatch - more clear eggs than last year, and a lot of incubation problems, particularly in balancing humidity. What worked last year didn\'t cut it this year for some reason, even though it was the same incubator in the same location.

I don\'t think feed is a factor for me, since I\'ve been using the same feed for the last couple of seasons and this is the first year I\'ve seen these problems. I use a feed milled locally, not a brand name, and I\'m pretty sure they haven\'t made any changes to it, although I\'m sure growing conditions from one season to the next could impact the the grains that go into it.

I also noticed that the free-ranging EEs last year were healthier, laid better, and had better hatch rates than my Ameraucanas that were confined to breeder runs. Plus I lost fewer birds. Since I\'m not hatching anything right now, I\'ve turned them all out. Can\'t do that during breeding season, but need to rethink my pen design for next year...


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Feed and environment poll
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 08:24:40 PM »
Due to time constraints, I took all my birds off the special recipe I had been feeding and put them on straight Layer Rations and Flock Raiser for the ducks - although the chickens help themselves to the Flock Raiser too.  I still give them an occasional container that contains a mixture of VigorPlus, Gamebird Flight Developer, Scratch, and crimped Oats.  

I\'ve seen no real change in egg production since I last wrote.  During the three day heat wave we had last week, I did see egg production in all my birds - not just Amerauanas - pick up.  I have two Ameraucanas in a pen that haven\'t given me an egg in months.  I have gotten two eggs from one of them in the last two weeks.  It\'s a large egg but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately since I plan to cull her) has quite a green tint to it.  

My two #7\'s are giving me an egg about every other day.  I can\'t ask for more than that out of a dual purpose bird.  A couple of my #13\'s do about the same.  I\'ve got six of them in a pen and I\'m pretty sure only two of them are laying.  Now I just need to figure out which.  I\'ve got 3 pullets that are giving me an egg pretty regularly too.  

All the rest are still not laying and will be soon going away somehow.

God Bless,


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Feed and environment poll
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 09:26:44 AM »
My Ameraucanas are the only ones that have layed continously since spring. I have 5 hens and I usually get 4 sometimes 5 eggs a day. Of course there is the occasional day where there is only one, but that is rare.

They eat whole oats, or course when they are outside, they eat whatever, but I also supplement with alfalfa meal & fish meal. But they hardly eat it.

I do let them out to free range about every other day.

I also have Marans, and they are not good layers, but these past few weeks when it has been so hot, they are laying better. I guess they don\'t know about laying less in the summer!
