Author Topic: Illini Poultry Show - Meet Request  (Read 5955 times)


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Illini Poultry Show - Meet Request
« on: February 26, 2011, 07:56:31 AM »
I have received information about the Illini Poultry Show. It is September10-11, 2011 in Belvidere, IL. If anyone is interested in requesting a meet at the show please contact Jerry DeSmidt.



Mike Gilbert

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Illini Poultry Show - Meet Request
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2011, 08:56:03 AM »
Michael!   Good to know you\'re still alive!   Fill us in on the new job situation and where your chicken hobby is going.


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Illini Poultry Show - Meet Request
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2011, 12:38:11 PM »

Remember tax season? I am not sure when we will get a break in proposal development.

I have no poultry at all and probably will not for the 2 years. We are unsure of how long we will stay here and my darling wife is loath to move again unless it is back to the farm in Missouri. So I am stuck in suburbia in a townhouse. We have done some looking around in Southern Wisconsin and north and west of Chicagoland, but the looking only upsets everyone and homesickness rears its head.

We have agreed to not look at anything for now.

On the bright side I am looking forward to going to a few Ameraucana meets for pictures and to visit with folks.

Mike Gilbert

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Illini Poultry Show - Meet Request
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2011, 01:09:04 PM »
Sounds good Michael.   The show in Richland Center the first weekend in June would be a great time to visit.  Jim Fegan is scheduled to be one of our judges this year.  Are we down for an Ameraucana meet?   Or do I ask Jerry?


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Illini Poultry Show - Meet Request
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2011, 01:32:12 PM »
stuck in suburbia

I think a suburbanite is about the same as a city slicker(? ;)).
You can take the boy and his family out of the country, but you can\'t...


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Illini Poultry Show - Meet Request
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2011, 01:52:28 PM »

I will check on the meet.



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Illini Poultry Show - Meet Request
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2011, 12:35:04 PM »
You can take the boy and his family out of the country, but you can\'t...

I just want to clarify this.  Yesterday when I Googled the old saying about taking the boy out of the country to find it\'s origin I found that my interpretation of the saying may be very different than others.
I always figured the boy would yearn for the country life even if taken out of it, like I would assume an animal that was captured and put in a zoo would yearn to be back in it\'s natural wild environment.
The search told me that it basically means a country boy would be a \"hick\" in the city...or something like that.  
Paul Simon said \"my lack of education hasn\'t hurt me none\" and I just want all to know my post was to say I understand the Muenks yearning for the country.  As John Denver said...\"Thank God I\'m a country boy!\".  Cole Porter wrote it and Roy Rogers sang \"Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above...Don\'t fence me in\".