Author Topic: WFF spring show Monroe  (Read 4407 times)

Korfus Kluckers

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WFF spring show Monroe
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:15:47 AM »
Congrats Jean, on your win with your black pullet. She was very nice!

Also, Royce you had a very nice Wheaten cock bird.

I took a few pictures of her and the cock bird and will post them when I get a minute.

Cloverleaf Farm

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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2011, 01:32:20 PM »
My son won BB with a black bantam hen, and 1st place in the poster contest for 10 & under age group with his Ameraucana poster! :D

faith valley

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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 01:44:23 PM »
I\'d love to see a photo of his poster if you can post one.



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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 02:11:07 PM »

Champion Ameraucana - Black Hen, Jean Ribbeck

Reserve of Breed LF - Blue Wheaten Cockerel, Royce Van Blaricome

Best of Breed Bantam - Black Hen, Jeanine\'s son

Reserve Breed Bantam - Black Cockerel, Jean Ribbeck (Thanks Patty!)



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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 06:53:13 PM »
Here\'s another picture. Me, doing \"Ameraucana\" type duties....


Hopefully Christina and Jeanine have more photos.  We had a pretty good time!

Cloverleaf Farm

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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 10:28:53 AM »
I have a few pics, but they are on my son\'s camera, so have to get them burned onto a disc first...ugh...

Mike Gilbert

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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2011, 11:57:07 AM »
Nice going ladies and Royce.    Thanks for the photos.  I have a question to pose.   Do you think the winning black large fowl has black or slate shanks?   To me they look slate, which originally was the proper color, and which I consider still to be the proper color.  But what is everyone else seeing?


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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2011, 12:27:17 PM »
Do you think the winning black large fowl has black or slate shanks?

Jean breeds them with slate shanks so I think you are right. I believe her blacks are ER based.

Beth C

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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2011, 01:28:31 PM »
Congrats, guys! Beautiful birds, and what a nice poster! I\'d have never guessed 10 & under by looking at it - he did a wonderful job.  :D

Cloverleaf Farm

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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2011, 01:41:07 PM »
Quote from: Beth C
Congrats, guys! Beautiful birds, and what a nice poster! I\'d have never guessed 10 & under by looking at it - he did a wonderful job.  :D

Thanks!  He did a great job, sat in front of the computer with the Standard open and everything! And yeah, \"10 & under\", but he is 10...  ;)

I even copied him for my Faverolles club display! LOL


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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2011, 11:15:07 PM »
Quote from: Mike Gilbert
Nice going ladies and Royce.    Thanks for the photos.  I have a question to pose.   Do you think the winning black large fowl has black or slate shanks?   To me they look slate, which originally was the proper color, and which I consider still to be the proper color.  But what is everyone else seeing?

Mike, thanks and as I recall they were dark slate.  

Jean, thanks for posting the pic of General Lee.  I wish I had put that feather back in place as it makes his primaries look bad but hey, how about those earlobes??!!

Beth, I wish we had got a chance to meet.  The show was great but I was sure beat.  Still am.  Seven hours of washing birds, then drove to the show Friday night to coop in, and then home to fix some supper.  Then relaxed for a couple of hours before heading to bed.  Back up in 5 hours to get back to the show and take the rest of my birds there.  The day was over before I knew it.  

I never even got a chance to walk all the aisles and see all the birds.  I know there were a lot of folks there that I would’ve liked to have chatted with but time just got away from me.  Evidently you were one of them.  I wish you had come and got a hold of me.  Would’ve like to have met you.  I hate missing the chance to meet someone I’ve talked with when the opportunity is there.  I would’ve loved to have talked about Ameraucanas with you.  I brought a lot of birds this time so I could show folks the various different pluses and minuses that each had.  

 I sat down to relax last night about 2145 before going to fix something to eat and I think it was 2300 before I finally got thru with emails and even then I didn’t get to them all.  I was so plum tuckered out yesterday from the all day show on Saturday and then coming home to put everything away but I needed to get my apple trees trimmed and a few things done outside.  Worked as long as I could but still need to get two more trees trimmed and I have so much work to do on the property it isn’t even funny.

Anyways, as tired as I was, I decided to get one other thing done that I wasn\'t able to at the show.  I got what I needed to put the finishing touches on my Ameraucana Breeding Plan. I was able to record band #\'s and toe punch #\'s for each bird and give them all a good look over before putting them back in their pens and coops. I wanted to do that at the show but just never got around to it. Now I can take that info and decide who I\'ll breed and then start pairing up the birds for the breeding pens!

Edited to say, \"Thanks Christina for taking and posting the pics!\"

God Bless,

Korfus Kluckers

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WFF spring show Monroe
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2011, 11:53:17 AM »
I thought this was the one that won reserve? Huh?