Author Topic: What\'s your price?  (Read 2791 times)


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What\'s your price?
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:46:43 PM »
I\'ve noticed a couple different partnerships over the last couple days while spending time surfing the net.  These seem to be strange bedfellows to me.  I will stick with \"seem to be\" for now.
The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) is pleased to announce a new promotional partnership with Tractor Supply Company (TSC) that will raise awareness of endangered and heritage poultry breeds.

First off I\'m not a supporter of the ALBC agenda, but the mutt chicks that TSC promote and sell year after year are the opposite of what the ALBC is promoting.  
Educating the public about standard bred poultry is great, but then to keep selling hatchery stock under standard names is hypocritical in my opinion.  The local TSC sold a lot of Ameracaunas with yellow and willow legs.  I know that isn\'t a standard name, but they thought it was and I\'m sure all the buyers did to.  Some education, Eh?
Andy Schneider, better known as “The Chicken Whisperer,” will be a spokesperson for a national public awareness campaign focusing on keeping backyard poultry disease free.
The campaign is being conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS).

I don\'t know this guy and don\'t know that many of us ever heard about him until a couple years ago.  Here again educating the public about poultry diseases is a good thing, but he is teaming up with the USDA...Big Brother...the same people that tried to ram NAIS with RFID down our throats a few years ago.  They\'ve backed off because some of us stood up to them, but you know their agenda hasn\'t changed.  They want to control every facet of your life and your chickens!  Some newbies may listen to Andy and take everything he says as gospel.  That could be a disaster if he preaches from the USDA handbook.

Now I\'ll go take my high blood pressure pill and give you a chance to tell me I\'m paranoid...what a comes one now!  


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What\'s your price?
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2011, 02:56:34 PM »
Quote from: John
I\'ve noticed a couple different partnerships over the last couple days while spending time surfing the net.  These seem to be strange bedfellows to me.  I will stick with \"seem to be\" for now.
The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) is pleased to announce a new promotional partnership with Tractor Supply Company (TSC) that will raise awareness of endangered and heritage poultry breeds.

First off I\'m not a supporter of the ALBC agenda, but the mutt chicks that TSC promote and sell year after year are the opposite of what the ALBC is promoting.  
Educating the public about standard bred poultry is great, but then to keep selling hatchery stock under standard names is hypocritical in my opinion.  The local TSC sold a lot of Ameracaunas with yellow and willow legs.  I know that isn\'t a standard name, but they thought it was and I\'m sure all the buyers did to.  Some education, Eh?
Andy Schneider, better known as “The Chicken Whisperer,” will be a spokesperson for a national public awareness campaign focusing on keeping backyard poultry disease free.
The campaign is being conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS).

I don\'t know this guy and don\'t know that many of us ever heard about him until a couple years ago.  Here again educating the public about poultry diseases is a good thing, but he is teaming up with the USDA...Big Brother...the same people that tried to ram NAIS with RFID down our throats a few years ago.  They\'ve backed off because some of us stood up to them, but you know their agenda hasn\'t changed.  They want to control every facet of your life and your chickens!  Some newbies may listen to Andy and take everything he says as gospel.  That could be a disaster if he preaches from the USDA handbook.

Now I\'ll go take my high blood pressure pill and give you a chance to tell me I\'m paranoid...what a comes one now!  

Noticed the same thing at our local Farmer\'s Co-op.  Took a peek instead the brooder and wondered what kind of chicks those were.  When I asked and was told \"Ameraucanas\", I was shocked.  Really?  I was even more shocked to find out who they bought them from.  I had a lady come buy some chicks from me last year and again this year.  When I mentioned the EE\'s that were being sold as \"Ameraucanas\" I was surprised to hear her say, \"Those were mine\".  :o  Uh, oh.

I don\'t know what she was breeding them too, but they weren\'t black, blue or splash.  Of course, I\'m  not the only one she gets her stock from around here, but I do know the other lady she has bought from is reputable.  I\'m more shocked the Co-op even bought from her!  I tried to sell to a local vet supply store once, but he seemed totally against buying from anyone but a hatchery.  Like it was against the law to do so.  And I knew the guy!

Hey, you\'re not paranoid.  There are those who won\'t be happy til we are all totally dependent on government and the big corps working with them.  And if you think about it, unless you can produce your own grain, you already are.

Hubby rues the day he brought the chicks home...