Author Topic: 2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey  (Read 17064 times)


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2012, 11:51:50 PM »
We also recieved one of these. Bleh.  We aren\'t NPIP (have been trying to aviod big Brother), but we do have cattle and crop farm.  It also had both mine and my hubby\'s name on it, even though he is the only one whose got the crops and cattle under his name.  What a waste of time.

I also echo, good for you John! I may let our 13 month old fill ours out for us, and send it back to them with thier convienent envelope.

Beth C

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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2012, 09:58:01 AM »
I think I\'ll let me 6 year old do mine - half the birds are his anyway. Income for 2011 - 100,000 Lego pieces...

I\'m wondering if what put us on their radar is all the above. I refused to sign up for NAIS, a condition of showing at the state fair, but caved on the Scrapies so that I could show at all. After the fact, I found somewhere in the fine print of the packet they sent me that, once NAIS got up and running, the information would automatically transfer over. Needless to say, I was furious, but they already had my info, couldn\'t un-ring the bell. I\'d have thought twice about doing NPIP had I not already opened the door with that. I\'m not hearing as much chatter about NAIS, but I\'m wondering if that\'s what we\'re starting to see - they\'re rolling all of their data from various programs into one database. And forcibly enrolling everyone who ever gave them ANY information into their \'voluntary\' program. If I had it to do over again, I think I\'d have enrolled in NAIS from the start. As a Johnston County hog farmer named Jose...


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2012, 11:42:02 PM »
Would you believe I no more than finished my post last night, then went downstairs, and guess what was sitting in the mail the wife brought home?

Yup.  You guessed it.  Haven\'t opened it yet but they aren\'t getting much info from me!

God Bless,


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2012, 10:25:45 AM »
I look for the US Government to shove the NAIS on us like
a baby calf getting a Bolus whether he wants it or not!  I\'ve said it from the beginning and will keep on saying-the only reason for the NAIS is:  when the one world government takes over, they will know where all the food animals are.

We haven\'t received our survey yet, but I bet its coming soon.

Paul Smith
Paul Smith


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2012, 10:35:35 AM »
Got the survey.  We have been NPIP for about 2 years.  Never reported farm income (there isn\'t any to report but I could probably try to take some losses  :stare:)  We that have recieved them are varied and different but the only common thread looks to be NPIP and that shouldn\'t be because as Jean said, ours too came in both names but I\'m the only one on the NPIP cert.

Denise Baker
Paradise Found Farm
        Joliet, IL


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2012, 07:31:18 PM »
Paul, I\'m with you.  And John, thanks so much for starting this thread!!!

You not only gave me a good line to write on my report and send back but you saved me a BUNCH of time checking into what this is all about.

I couldn\'t believe some of the stuff they wanted to know!  Big Brother, get out of my life and leave me alone!  I will render unto Ceaser that which is Ceaser\'s as I am called to do but that\'s all he gets.

God Bless,


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2012, 09:35:54 PM »
Big Brother, get out of my life and leave me alone!

We aren\'t all going to agree on some of this, but it pertains to us in this fancy and it is great to share our experiences, ideas, knowledge, etc.   \"...dissemination of relevant information\" is how the mission statement puts it.  How you deal with it is ultimately up to you (yet...and that is good news).  Maybe we can all share a cell sometime.
I didn\'t take much time to read it, but on the back it bugged me that they wanted to know something about \"Hispanic\" involvement or something like that.  I don\'t agree with giving them any information about my finances, property, plans, etc., but I understand why they want to know some of those things.  But, they are way off base trying to relate age, sex, skin color and whatever else that has nothing to do with farming/ranching to any agricultural operation!


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2012, 11:50:09 PM »
I didn\'t read it all either, John.  Didn\'t see the ethnicity stuff but that doesn\'t surprise me.  

The one that stuck out to me was when they asked if I had internet or not on my place!  Like, they need to know that???

God Bless,


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2012, 09:28:22 AM »
Well I had tossed mine in the fireplace to use as kindling.  Should I be nervous?  Should I ask for another and send it back with \"None of your Business\"?
Denise Baker
Paradise Found Farm
        Joliet, IL

Sharon Yorks

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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2012, 10:39:58 AM »
Quote from: paul
when the one world government takes over, they will know where all the food animals are.

I can\'t believe I didn\'t think of that when I had the lady come out to test all of my birds to get on the NPIP program this year. They DO keep track of every bird and egg you buy and hatch. We have talked about the potential crisis of the whole food situation and I truly think this is something to be prepared for. You can bet I will be checking into how to back pedal, if possible. I don\'t want them knowing how many birds I have!

I haven\'t gotten anything, but if I do, we\'ll know it\'s associated with NPIP.

Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)

Beth C

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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2012, 04:27:37 PM »
\"Hispanic\" involvement
I\'m guessing this pertains to illegal immigration. Most farms around here employee Hispanic workers. They want to know who does and who doesn\'t so they know who to raid checking for green cards. Maybe I shouldn\'t tell them my name is Jose after all...

I\'ve considered marking mine \"return to sender - addressee deceased\" and dropping it in a box somewhere. But it still hasn\'t arrived.


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2012, 12:19:52 PM »
Well, they have resorted to trying to call me now.....

If anyone sees a number on your caller id that says \"GSA\" it is them.

I read an interesting article in a small town agricultural paper that said what they are doing is not legal and they do not have the right to do this type of census.  The local sheriff\'s office is even backing up the citizens by stating if the Feds come out to your property to try to get you to complete the survey they are trespassing and you can have them removed.

Wow, I wonder if it will go that far?


Beth C

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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2012, 12:32:36 PM »
Quote from: Jean
The local sheriff\'s office is even backing up the citizens by stating if the Feds come out to your property to try to get you to complete the survey they are trespassing and you can have them removed.

Good for them!!

I still haven\'t gotten one, maybe they haven\'t noticed me...


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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2012, 12:53:25 PM »
I wonder if it will go that far?

Very little would surprise me with the government...especially with the feds.
The more they know about you the more they can control you and what you think you own.  It could work well with the latest executive order...
This executive order states that the President alone has the authority to take over all resources in the nation (labor, food, industry, etc.) as long as it is done \"to promote the national defense\" -- a phrase so vague that it could mean practically anything.

The power to seize control and take over these resources is delegated to the following government authorities:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

Beth C

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2012 National Agricultural Classification Survey
« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2012, 01:03:01 PM »
Further proof of exactly why the second amendment was added to the constitution...