Author Topic: Frontline for mites and/or lice  (Read 56228 times)


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Re: Frontline for mites and/or lice
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2013, 05:03:16 PM »
I looked through my binders from when I was the director at the Pharmacovigilence Call Center for Merck/ Merial:
Frontline DOES NOT have an expiration date. It is alleged to stay stable and safe as long as it is kept out of direct sunlight. Hence the colored vials and opaque bottles it is sold in. When a product is EPA mandated, like frontline is, an expiration date is not mandatory. I have put in a call to one of my old colleagues regarding withdrawl times for meat and eggs in poultry treated with frontline. I know that the withdrawl time is 21 days for poultry treated with any member of the ivermectin family.
I alternate my flocks between Frontline Spray and Ivomec Pour-On. Both products have had a well earned place in my animal husbandry toolbox for many years. I have been way overexposed to both products on multiple occasions including accidetal inhalation and ingestion. I do not glow in the dark, nor have I grown any extra fingers or toes. I am accused of being harsh and blunt by my family and co- workers, but I blame that on my overexposure to NYC during my formative years, lol!!!

Ok, back to the point: There is not one product that is going to provide the same results for all of us.....We are all raising our flocks in unique environments. The climate varies greatly from my place in Middle TN to the Smith's place outside of DFW to Royce in CA to Jean & Christina in WA state and so on and so on. It's important to keep n
otes on how well a product works for you and to share those results with fellow breeders....

Dixie, just wondering if you ever found out anything on withdrawal times for Frontline?
Hubby rues the day he brought the chicks home...


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Re: Frontline for mites and/or lice
« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2013, 03:09:29 AM »
Echo and Update...

Every time I see this post come up I shudder!  I'm so afraid I'm gonna jinx myself. 

Over NINE months now since the one single treatment and still NO bugs!   ;D

Btw, I'm in WA.  Been seeing several posts in various places about the "Super Mites".  The description of them is exactly what I had.  Can kill a bird in just a few days.  Don't migrate off the bird.  Don't always congregate around the vent only but on the tail, back of the neck, right above shanks, etc.  Resistant to Permethrins and Pyrethrins. 

The only thing I would add that I might not have before is that is imperative to treat ALL your birds at the same time.  It's a pain to spend several hours treating a couple hundred birds at one time but it beat the heck out of spending 3 years trying to get rid of them.

God Bless,