2016 ABA Handbook Ad
We missed it last year - not going to let that happen again!
A full page b&w club page is $120 this year. The Club buys the pages that we can fill and only charge you what it is actually costing us for the page. So our members get ads in the Handbook and get the discounted Club page price!
So, here's the breakdown:
Full page, 4.375" x 7 9/16" - $120
Half page, 4.375" x 3.75" - $60
Quarter page, 4.375"x 1.875" - $30
Eighth page, 2 3/16"x 1.875" - $15
Deadline for getting ads to me is 4/15/16 - ads received after this date will not be included. Our deadline for getting the total page layouts to ABA is 5/1 and it takes time to lay out all the pages.
You can pay by check, or I can invoice you via paypal - just let me know which you prefer when you send your ad in. If you don't have a layout, just send in the information you want included and I'll do the layout for you.
If there is enough interest to fill a color page, we can get a full page color for $240 and divide it up among those who want it. Note: we must have enough paid ads for one full page.
Email your ad copy and size requested to me at info@ameraucanabreedersclub.org