Author Topic: 2016 Annual High Point Awards Announced  (Read 2915 times)

Susan Mouw

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    • Sand Castles Farm
2016 Annual High Point Awards Announced
« on: February 01, 2017, 04:49:26 PM »
The Annual High Point Awards for 2016 have all been calculated and reviewed by the Board.  While there are still some outstanding Meet Reports from 2016, we do not believe those outstanding would have changed these results.

The Annual High Point Awards are calculated from meet results beginning with the meets that coincide with or follow after the previous years National, and run to those meets that preceded the 2016 National.  So, for 2016, all meets (except the National Meet - which has its own High Point awards), all meets that occurred on or after 11/7/2015 up to and including any meets on 11/4/2016 are included in these totals.

Annual High Point Award - Open - Max Strawn, 774 points

Annual District High Point Awards - Open
Western District - Debra Hogan, 535 points
North Central District - Jerry DeSmidt, 181 points
North East District - Temple DaSilva, 31 points
South East District - Susan Mouw, 181 points
South Central District - Max Strawn, 774 points

Annual High Point Award - Junior - Hannah Brush, 126 points

Annual District High Point Awards - Junior
North East District - Hannah Brush, 126 points
South Central District - David Vetter, 48 points

Congratulations to all the winners!  I will be mailing the award certificates and checks out, along with all the rosettes for 2016, over the next few days.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 05:03:08 PM by Susan Mouw »
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm