Author Topic: Entry Deadline for ABC National Norman, OKlahoma  (Read 2333 times)


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Entry Deadline for ABC National Norman, OKlahoma
« on: October 09, 2020, 11:21:55 AM »

 Entries for our NATIONAL ABC meet are getting close to closing!  They must be received by the CVPC show secretary by Saturday October 17th!
 This is our first prequalifying large fowl Splash show.  We must have a minimum of 4 head in each class (C,H,K,P).  Angela and I are entering 1 cock, 1 cockerel, and 2 pullets.    A few other ABC members have committed to enter some splash.  The ABC will need all the help possible to fill the requirements on cocks and hens!  Please enter some!  It will be appreciated!
 Special rosettes for all BV and RV have been ordered for this show.  The CVPC is finishing plaques for the champions and large prize money for the top 4 placing birds with open bantam and large fowl and Junior bantams and large fowl all competing for it.  Bill Hopkins is suppose to be the open show judge and Larry Dye or Howard Davenport will judge the Junior show.
 Special ABC mask have been made by Richard Peters and all ABC members who show birds will receive one.  Mask are recommended but not required to be worn.  Everyone entering the fairgrounds will have their temperature checked, in an attempt to keep everyone safe from the Corona Virus.
 The ABC raised a large sum of cash for awards for this show.  Due to the possibility of cancellation, plaques or trophies were not ordered for it.  It will be distributed to the winning bird's owners.  An egg contest consisting of an entry of 6 hen or 6 pullet for both large fowl and bantam will be held.  Jean Ribbeck is making the very neat egg awards for the first place in each of the four classes.  The new member drawing will be held.  The online silent auction will be completed with the silent auction held at the show.  We need donations to the fundraiser for 2021 national show awards!  High point at the national show will be awarded with cash along with highest scoring display.  There are no trios at this show, so there will not be an award for it.
 Richard Peters managed to block an additional 50 rooms as the first two bookings have been filled.  It's not too late to enter birds, but they need to be entered within the next couple days.  Ours are going in the mail today!  Angela and I were selected to put a pair of self blue Ameraucanas and a pair of our new breed in the breeders cup 30-70 auction.  Thirty percent of sale goes to the youth show for awards!  The live auction is scheduled for 1:00 PM on Saturday, November 7th.
  Anyone who wants to help make this show a success by volunteering to help with the ABC club table, raffle, silent auction, egg contest, etc needs to contact me or Lindsay Helton.  There will be plenty to do!  I plan to take photos of all the BV and RV Ameraucanas, which will include the champions.  There is a possibility of 76, which will occupy a lot of my time at this one-day show!  Hope to show with you!
Paul Smith

Paul Smith

Lindsay Helton

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Re: Entry Deadline for ABC National Norman, OKlahoma
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2020, 12:16:01 PM »
I purchased some blue, black and splash chicks this past spring to support the approval effort! I entered two splash cockerels and one splash pullet in the show. Looking forward to hatching more splash next season to support this exciting effort.

For those interested in attending the show, the catalog can be accessed via the following link: