Author Topic: White Rooster  (Read 5433 times)


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White Rooster
« on: January 01, 2007, 10:33:08 PM »
Hi Folks,

I was just reading Jean\'s post w/ interest.  I\'m new, so wasn\'t sure if I should post on her question, or start a new one.  In any event, I have a question about the offspring color of breeding a white Ameraucana to various other colors of Ameraucana hens. I\'m told I should expect 50% of the offspring to be white.  However.... LOL!.. I\'m \"told\" a lot of things.  I\'m not talking about peep color, I\'m talking about the color of the bird once it is feathered out.   Anyone???  Thanks!  Lu


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White Rooster
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2007, 11:52:43 PM »
What a great question! My experience was white cock to black and blue hens gave good pullets in black and blue, but every cockerel out of the mating had straw or white in the hackle . . . many times I regretted ever making the cross ... but at the time it was all I had! No idea on other varieties and white . . .



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White Rooster
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2007, 12:22:44 AM »
Hi Michael, Thanks for responding.  I suppose I should have given the colors of my hens.  I have a blue female, a brown red female, a silver female, and a wheaton female.  I\'m hoping SOME of these will produce white chicks.   It looks like at least w/ my blue hen I\'ll be getting blue chicks.  I\'ll be hatching eggs from them as soon as everyone begins laying steadily again, so I suppose time will tell.  I\'m just anxious to see if I can get any whites.  This rooster is oh so very pretty.  I also have another wheaton rooster who is none too happy about the new interloper.  I\'ve had to keep them apart.  I thought if I could figure out who would be the best chance of giving me white offspring w/ my white rooster I could seperate the hens to the roosters accordingly.  Oh my.  These things are addictive, aren\'t they?  I went from baby sitting 3 ancient chickens to utter obsession in the time it takes to say \"Help me, I think I\'m loosing control!\"  LOL!  Anyway, thanks for the quick response.  I just found this board.  It took me 30 mins just to figure out how to post!  Dar de dar.  Anyway, thanks for taking the time to respond.  Lu


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White Rooster
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2007, 08:33:08 AM »
who would be the best chance of giving me white offspring w/ my white rooster

If you can\'t get a white female to go with the cock, I would put him over the blue hen and then put him back over the pullets (F1) from that mating the following year.  That should give you some pure whites (F2).  Other than that don\'t breed from the white/blue cross offpring (F1).    

Blue Egg Acres

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White Rooster
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2007, 01:53:12 PM »
Quote from: Luoodles
I also have another wheaton rooster
I could seperate the hens to the roosters accordingly.

Lu, I don\'t have any experience with the white corsses, but was wondering if there is a reason you\'re not planning to put the wheaten hen and wheaten rooster together? I\'m guessing it\'s because you like the white the best and that is what you want to breed rather than wheatens.


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White Rooster
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2007, 06:52:36 PM »
Quote from: John
who would be the best chance of giving me white offspring w/ my white rooster

If you can\'t get a white female to go with the cock, I would put him over the blue hen and then put him back over the pullets (F1) from that mating the following year.  That should give you some pure whites (F2).  Other than that don\'t breed from the white/blue cross offpring (F1).    
 Thanks, John.  Yes, I was thinking that might work for the second go around but was hoping to get a few from the initial breeding.  I\'m thinking I just plain need to find a white hen. (Duh!)  It\'s just that around these parts they seem second only to the Unicorn in availability.  The white roo came from Indiana.  I\'m in VA.


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White Rooster
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2007, 06:59:22 PM »
Quote from: Blue Egg Acres
Quote from: Luoodles
I also have another wheaton rooster
I could seperate the hens to the roosters accordingly.

Lu, I don\'t have any experience with the white corsses, but was wondering if there is a reason you\'re not planning to put the wheaten hen and wheaten rooster together? I\'m guessing it\'s because you like the white the best and that is what you want to breed rather than wheatens.
 Hi Barbara, yes, my wheaton rooster and hen HAVE been together.  In fact they were together until YESTERDAY and will probably end up BACK together after I give it a try w/ this white rooster.  My Wheaton roo is quite nice in his own right, but...  I just plain LIKE this white roo.  I suppose it\'s the novelty.  Oh heck, it IS the novelty.  I\'ve never had one before and he\'s just so darn pretty.  I think I have yet ANOTHER chicken obsession.  I have been told to try egg bid, etc.  I\'m just going to have to save my pennies and find a white pullet.  I was just hoping against hope I could pull a white peep out of my!  :0)  


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White Rooster
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2007, 07:36:38 PM »
I\'m in VA.

Larry Clionsky in PA has white large fowl, but I think he is on the west side of the state and don\'t know if he would have any extras.
The breeding project will get you whites next year.  Hatching eggs and/chicks may be available from or some other ABC members.
A link to the Breeders Directory can be found on the FAQ page of the website as part of the answer to Where can I find Ameraucanas or something like that.
I would shy away from buying Ameraucana eggs thru an internet auction type site.  I think a lot of what are said to be Ameraucanas are Easter Eggers.


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White Rooster
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2007, 09:24:22 PM »
Larry is near Harrisburg and the Pennsylvania Farm Show starts on 1/06/2007 to 1/13/2007 near Harrisburg, Pa.  He has some real nice whites and blacks and blues and some other colors.
Harry Shaffer


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White Rooster
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2007, 10:36:22 PM »
Quote from: John
Larry Clionsky in PA
Yes, I e-mailed him and he has already contacted me.  I will be getting some eggs from him in a month or two!  Yeah!  


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White Rooster
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2007, 11:51:49 PM »
I had a white roo for a month with my black and blue pullets that was laying at the time. My white girls werent laying, neither was the buffs.

I had two white splashes, four blacks, eight blues and no pure whites chicks. They are all lovely too! One more batch of 13 eggs due to hatch next week and its the last of his offsprings before he went to a friend\'s farm which he can crow his heart out. (we live in the city). If I wanted more whites, I would breed those splashes and black back to this same roo and see if I get a little more whites in the chicks.

I bought my white girls from an Eggbid seller that bought his birds from a member from this club. They are sure a novelty for are the buffs!

Mike Gilbert

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White Rooster
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2007, 09:43:29 AM »
When those black and blue chicks grow up, the males will probably have off-colors in their hackles and possibly other areas as well.    You didn\'t say how old they are?   Let us know how they turn out, okay?   Thanks.


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White Rooster
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2007, 10:40:20 PM »
Quote from: RobinP
I had a white roo for a month with my black and blue pullets ...I had two white splashes, four blacks, eight blues ..

Oooo.. I\'d actually love to get some splashes... but.. wait... is \"SPLASH\" an accepted color?  

Thanks, folks, this has been great.  I appreciate your time and help.
