Author Topic: More/less ticking in Splash  (Read 2483 times)


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More/less ticking in Splash
« on: January 17, 2007, 11:27:57 AM »
As we have another splash topic going, I thought now would be a good time to ask a few more splash questions.
Has anyone selected for more/less ticking in their splashes and have you seen any correlation to either the quality of Blue(in heterozygotes),  melanotics, or even E-loci?
I have a few old hens (and yes these are unknown genetics) that appear to be ER/Blbl/ML/Cha/lg who have ticking in Blue. I never see ticking in E/Blbl. Any thoughts or opinions? ...

Mike Gilbert

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More/less ticking in Splash
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2007, 09:05:10 PM »
I don\'t keep or breed from splash or splash wheaten, but I found your comment that you havent noticed any ticking in your E/Blbl birds quite interesting.   How many of these have you observed?   I have found very, very few blue phenotypes without at least some ticking or splotches, even if only in the tail or flight feathers.    And I\'m quite sure these are not birchen based blues.


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More/less ticking in Splash
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 01:47:31 PM »
Right now, 6 hens as most have been ER. I have 1 young Blue Roo., of course he is the one with poorest shape HA!, and have had one I culled, whom I\'m assuming to be E at this point as I have s+ which sure shows on an ER/Ss+ roo. Anyhow, both are very dark which is one reason I am wondering if melanotics or the quality of blue play a part.
I\'ll attach a pic of the one I culled: