Author Topic: Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds  (Read 4372 times)


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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« on: June 24, 2007, 06:19:00 PM »
Storey\'s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds is available thru several sources according to my internet search.  It just came out last month and is available in paper back and hard cover. \"Over 128 Fabulous Birds\".  It has many great color photos, mostly of chickens but also ducks, geese, turkeys and \"Other Birds of Interest\".  It doesn\'t replace an APA Standard, but if you like lots of great color photos it is a good book to check out.  The paper back lists at 25 bucks (US), but can be bought for around $20.  I got a free copy for letting them use photos of my Vorwerks in the book.  They were setup at the show in Indy last year taking the photos.  Thanks to Mark Campbell, Kathy Gratsch and Camille Lewandowski for letting them use photos of their Ameraucanas for the publication. ;)  


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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2007, 09:43:23 PM »
I only looked at the photos before, but read quite a bit of the book over the past couple hours while sitting out in a lawn chair.
I was very disappointed to read about the \"millions\" of years of chicken evolution that is stated as fact, in the book.  As a person that believes in some type of intelligent design I can\'t endorse works that promote the religion of evolution that is based on beliefs without scientific proof.
I also found a few minor errors (in my opinion), but they wouldn\'t stop me from recommending the book.
All in all it does have many very good photos of birds and I am happy to have the free copy, but can\'t endorse the book due to the evolutionary doctrine that it promotes. :(


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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2007, 09:30:32 AM »
This is interesting, because last fall, I was asked to submit photos of some of the birds they were not able to photograph.
I sent them the photos, and never heard back from them again, whether they were going to use them or not.
Didn\'t answer my emails about it either.

I wonder, does it have photos of a Crele Penedesenca & Welsummer rooster & hens?  And if so, who is given the credit?


Mike Gilbert

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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2007, 10:45:22 AM »
John - kudos for sticking to your principles.   Very many of our scientific disciplines were founded by creationists, and the leader of the human DNA genome project is a creationist, as are many other modern scientists in various fields.    Yet our children in public schools are expected to swallow this theory hook, line and sinker without even considering alternative ideas.  When we teach our kids they are nothing more than animals, why should we be surprised when they act the part?  Just my two cents worth.


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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2007, 12:59:05 PM »
who is given the credit?

They must have gotten the photos needed.  The Penedesena are from Laura Anderson and Barry Koffler.  The Welsummer are from Glenn Drowns and Kristin Hildebrandt.


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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2007, 04:04:37 PM »
Thanks for looking it up!



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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2007, 09:46:20 AM »
Before secular humanism was forced upon the public schools, the biggest problems in the class room were talking and chewing gum. Now, many schools have to worry about guns, drugs and gang violence. Why do you think schools have resource officers assigned to  school buildings? If you do not have a law officer assigned to your district you will in the near future.

Cheating in the past was considered to be a character flaw and undesirable, today there are students that see no problem with the act of cheating. I have been teaching in public schools for 23 years.  I teach in a small city ( ~50,000) and I have seen changes in the moral compass of my students.

One thing you have to remember is that a public school is like a mirror that reflects the attitudes and moral character of the community. Public schools can not solve the problems of our society. The people of the community must make changes in social structure and beliefs before a school can change.  This change must come from within individuals and not some government agency. All government agencies have done in the past is make individuals dependent upon the government and not reliant on God.

Try as you may, you can not hatch a chick from a rotten egg. There have to be changes on the inside of the egg before a healthy chick will hatch. The same goes for students, they have to change on the inside and then a school can turn out a person who is educated and a contributor to the community.

Just My two Cents



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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2007, 12:32:25 PM »
Way to go John hats off to you!!,

     I hope maybe I can use you as a mentor in my familys\' new endevor raising egg laying chickens and meat chickens to suppliment our growing family\'s need for quality food that isn\'t caged to capacity and fed things I wouldn\'t want to have in my eggs or meat.
     I love your religious conviction as I have the same convictions as you and your family do.  We are firm believers that Jesus died for our sins and will return some day to gather His sheep (people).  Hugs to your family my brothers and sisters in the one Lord. :)

God Bless you and your family always,


Quote from: John
I only looked at the photos before, but read quite a bit of the book over the past couple hours while sitting out in a lawn chair.
I was very disappointed to read about the \"millions\" of years of chicken evolution that is stated as fact, in the book.  As a person that believes in some type of intelligent design I can\'t endorse works that promote the religion of evolution that is based on beliefs without scientific proof.
I also found a few minor errors (in my opinion), but they wouldn\'t stop me from recommending the book.
All in all it does have many very good photos of birds and I am happy to have the free copy, but can\'t endorse the book due to the evolutionary doctrine that it promotes. :(


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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2007, 10:56:01 PM » price for the paperback version - $16.47


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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2007, 11:03:39 AM »
Mike that was FANTASTIC!!  Thanks for posting it!!  :)


Quote from: Mike Gilbert
John - kudos for sticking to your principles.   Very many of our scientific disciplines were founded by creationists, and the leader of the human DNA genome project is a creationist, as are many other modern scientists in various fields.    Yet our children in public schools are expected to swallow this theory hook, line and sinker without even considering alternative ideas.  When we teach our kids they are nothing more than animals, why should we be surprised when they act the part?  Just my two cents worth.


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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2007, 11:06:45 AM »

     Another AWESOME post!!  Thanks for that!


Quote from: rooster
Before secular humanism was forced upon the public schools, the biggest problems in the class room were talking and chewing gum. Now, many schools have to worry about guns, drugs and gang violence. Why do you think schools have resource officers assigned to  school buildings? If you do not have a law officer assigned to your district you will in the near future.

Cheating in the past was considered to be a character flaw and undesirable, today there are students that see no problem with the act of cheating. I have been teaching in public schools for 23 years.  I teach in a small city ( ~50,000) and I have seen changes in the moral compass of my students.

One thing you have to remember is that a public school is like a mirror that reflects the attitudes and moral character of the community. Public schools can not solve the problems of our society. The people of the community must make changes in social structure and beliefs before a school can change.  This change must come from within individuals and not some government agency. All government agencies have done in the past is make individuals dependent upon the government and not reliant on God.

Try as you may, you can not hatch a chick from a rotten egg. There have to be changes on the inside of the egg before a healthy chick will hatch. The same goes for students, they have to change on the inside and then a school can turn out a person who is educated and a contributor to the community.

Just My two Cents



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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2007, 11:16:10 AM »

     That\'s an AWESOME pic of a rooster.  It would look beautiful on our farm.  I have been in the market for a cockerel hatchling in Spring 2008 and I have been asking for a black as I love the green sheen but I like the looks of yours also.  What is it and where are you located?  I\'m in OH and only want one hatchling rooster for my hens I\'ll be getting locally.  I know that I want a rooster in the coop as a dominant hen will act like one and I don\'t want that :).



Quote from: rooster
Before secular humanism was forced upon the public schools, the biggest problems in the class room were talking and chewing gum. Now, many schools have to worry about guns, drugs and gang violence. Why do you think schools have resource officers assigned to  school buildings? If you do not have a law officer assigned to your district you will in the near future.

Cheating in the past was considered to be a character flaw and undesirable, today there are students that see no problem with the act of cheating. I have been teaching in public schools for 23 years.  I teach in a small city ( ~50,000) and I have seen changes in the moral compass of my students.

One thing you have to remember is that a public school is like a mirror that reflects the attitudes and moral character of the community. Public schools can not solve the problems of our society. The people of the community must make changes in social structure and beliefs before a school can change.  This change must come from within individuals and not some government agency. All government agencies have done in the past is make individuals dependent upon the government and not reliant on God.

Try as you may, you can not hatch a chick from a rotten egg. There have to be changes on the inside of the egg before a healthy chick will hatch. The same goes for students, they have to change on the inside and then a school can turn out a person who is educated and a contributor to the community.

Just My two Cents



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Storey\'s Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2008, 08:31:44 PM »
I just came across this post as I was looking back through several.  This has been a long time topic of great interest to me.  I want to applaud John and Mike for speaking up and I want to applaud this Forum for allowing them to do so.  Believe you me, there are many sites that simply will not allow such comments to be even made.  I happened to have been kicked off of one MSN site simply because of my signature quote.

John, you are absolutely correct in stating that Evolution is a religion.  There is NO scientific evidence that macro-evolution exists.  In fact, there is ample evidence that it does not.  I think most people, and I would bet everyone on here would believe in micro-evolution (as defined by the development of an organism within an organism - or, in other words, a breed within a species so to speak) but there is NO proof that macro-evolution exists or ever has existed.  So Evolution must be taken as a matter of faith.

I am constantly dismayed, and even angered, by the repeated and steady onslaught of Evolution being stated as a fact.  Whether it be in printed form, TV, radio or what have you.  One cannot go into a National Park, museum, or such and not see Evolution stated as fact (i.e. billions of years ago before the evolution of man and his arrival on earth...).  

In my personal opinion, Evolution is a lie from the very pit of Hell.  It\'s a simple matter of there being no need for a God if there was no Creator.  And I have said for a long time that if one tells a lie often enough, long enough, and loud enough, people will simply begin to believe it is true.  Think about it.  We\'ve all seen it before.  

So Kudo\'s to you John, Mike, and ABC Forum!!  

Btw, which came first the chicken or the egg?  It\'s simple.  The answer lies in the book of Genesis.