Author Topic: Blue egg only breed show  (Read 3374 times)

Anne Foley

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Blue egg only breed show
« on: December 09, 2007, 07:38:36 PM »
We just attended a Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red only show.  It was very friendly, intimate, and productive for those participating.  I think that once and a while, it might benefit the Ameraucana breeders and Araucana breeders to get together for a special blue egg breeds only show to exchange ideas, advertise our breeds, and just talk.  A mutually agreed on judge would be selected. A blue egg competition (Ameraucana vs. Araucana) might also be a fun event.  A nice write up and show report in Poultry Press would be great exposure and educational.  What do other people think about this idea?

Mike Gilbert

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Blue egg only breed show
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2007, 07:47:10 PM »
Sure, I\'m all for that.   It\'s a lot of work and very time consuming to put on a show.    I would not be able to help out much until after I retire - which will probably be 2009.   Any volunteers?   A central location would be beneficial - say somewhere between Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa.

Anne Foley

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Blue egg only breed show
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2007, 09:13:14 PM »
If there is interest, you can count on our help.