Author Topic: Eggzilla, bit offtopic, sorry  (Read 2338 times)


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Eggzilla, bit offtopic, sorry
« on: August 18, 2008, 07:40:23 PM »
K, we\'ve had some double yolked eggs before but nothing like weighs about 102 grams (compared to about 61-65 or 66 grams for our normal chicken eggs, and about 75 grams for one of our duck eggs.)

Sorry, I know it\'s not a blue egg, but I couldn\'t help sharing...

One of our EELs, Nutty, lays double yolked eggs fairly consistently and the Rhodies do occasionally, but we\'ve never had anything like this.  This one shocked me, for sure.

Made me glad people don\'t lay eggs...proportionately speaking that\'s got to be like having a 25-30 lb baby.  Yeowch!

Liz in Utah


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Eggzilla, bit offtopic, sorry
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2008, 02:12:31 PM »
We had an EEL lay one egg a month like that.  

Poor Chestnut the chicken!
