Author Topic: honest opinions please!!  (Read 2905 times)


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honest opinions please!!
« on: January 15, 2009, 03:23:29 PM »
Hello all,

I would like some opinions.  My husband and I are new to Ameraucanas (the last year) and we have been getting rid of many birds that turned out to be EEs.  

We have two birds left from our original flock and I would like opinions please..  Both of these birds were fathered by a silver duckwing.. but the mother of each is in question..

The first, is a silver cockerel.. Phantasy is 8-9 months old.. The pictures I am posting were taken when he was 7 mos old.. so, yes he does look small.. What do you thinK?  His legs are slate and he now has full beardd and muffs.  His comb is not overly large..

The 2nd pic is of our \"silver\" hen, Sultana.. she is about 14 mos. old.  She also has beard, muffs and slate legs.

Mike Gilbert

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honest opinions please!!
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 05:11:31 PM »
The relativelty large wattles on the male indicate he is almost certainly not pure for muffs.   Color is a little dark, but not too bad.    What about earlobe color?   Can\'t tell for sure if he has white in the lobes or not.     Does the pullet have a salmon colored breast?   Again, can\'t tell from the photo.    How is the temperament?    In the past mine have been too skittish to be good show birds, so I\'m working on that this year.


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honest opinions please!!
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 06:25:10 PM »
The cockerel has red earlobes, no white there.  The hen also has red lobes,  she lays a bluish green egg, very long.  

Temperament wise they are both okay.  I have showed both of them and they did fine.  He is very, very mild mannered.  He is good with his hens (he has this hen, a silverlaced wyandotte and an experimental  color hen. )  

Sultana, the hen, is a little skittish, but getting better.  When I got her she had been free ranging; so took awhile before she was comfortable in enclosed spaces.  

Not sure if I will show these two this year.. I have 6 ameraucanas and 6 Araucanas I am showing this season..  


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honest opinions please!!
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2009, 06:29:57 PM »
oops Mike,  I forgot.. the hen has some salmon color in breast,  very light and not very distinctive.  I would like to see more there (I think?)  She has very little.  I looked at the pic on the main page for silver female and my hen has no outlining around the salmon.  

I have hatched out ONE of their eggs.. pic is on the forum.. just posted it yesterday!



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honest opinions please!!
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2009, 06:51:48 PM »
The cockerel\'s color/pattern looks pretty good and Mike pointed out the lobes that stand out.  
I know you said his legs are slate, but would like a better look at them.  He appears to have some yellow in his beak and wonder if his legs are really willow.  Are the pads of his feet pinkish white?


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honest opinions please!!
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2009, 09:43:19 PM »

will look at his pads tomorrow.. are they supposed to be pinkish white or white?  and will do some more pics tomorrow of his legs. But I am pretty sure they are slate.. very dark,  much darker than willow!
