You guys are a riot! What a hoot! The humor just made my day.
On a serious note, I\'d like to second all the above. I think it would be great to have the Club recognize those who are putting forth the time, effort, and expense to get our great bird some awareness and recognition.
Most of the shows I\'ve been to, I\'ve either been the sole Ameraucana exhibitor or one of two. The last show there were two of us but I had the only LF.
Now I don\'t say that as a \"humble brag\" but rather as just an actual example. I\'m sure others encounter the same experience. So why not recognize those who, as I said, put forth the time, effort, and expense to promote the breed?
With regard to Master Breeder vs. Master Exhibitor, I\'m with John on that too. I don\'t buy other folks\' birds just to show them myself but I know people do that. How would one go about knowing whether or not a bird shown is one that\'s been bred by that person other than just take their word for it? Just curious?
And for some, given that they may never see their name as an APA Master Exhibitor because of the lack of breed participation, it might be enough for them to see their name as an ABC Master Exhibitor to keep them from giving up on the breed and going to something else.
Just my thoughts.
God Bless,