I was using a splash Ameraucana roo with heavy red bleed to breed EEs off several breeds. My neighbor wanted several dozen hatching eggs, with about 2/3 of them being off this roo on Speckled Sussex and Black Laced Red Wyandottes, the rest off a couple of poorer quality black and blue Ams. and three EEs, under two very nice show quality Dark Cornish and a huge white CX [that has never sired a chick]. He reported that none of the blue or green eggs hatched.
The first hatch of these eggs, he got one pullet hatched yellow, now feathered white with a red head, pea comb, green shanks, and scant muffs, and is the largest chick by a small margin. I figure he missed a hatched EE egg and that big ol\' CX finally got lucky. LOL
The second hatch now has 4 or 5 of these, down ranging from yellow to yellow with faint orange stripes and head patterns; feathering white to kinda\' looking like white laced red or jubilee, some yellow and some green shanks. Again he claims all were from tan eggs. Is it possible a blue splash on these hens could have produced these; or is the guy doing the hatching missing seeing that many green eggs hatched? {The rest hatched are the expected solid blue, blue with red or gold showing, and red with blue patterning.} The roo was purchased from a breeder as a chick, but I\'ve always suspected he was actually an EE/Ameraucana cross due to his conformation and heavy red bleed, but at a loss as to how he could have sired chicks of this color off these hens.