Author Topic: Coccidiosis Vaccine  (Read 3287 times)

Beth C

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Coccidiosis Vaccine
« on: March 11, 2012, 06:51:51 PM »
Has anyone tried this and if so, how effective was it? I\'ve also heard that if you give it and accidentally feed medicated feed at any point it renders the vaccine useless - wondering if there is enough benefit in the vaccine to go through the hassle of finding non-medicated chick feed.


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Coccidiosis Vaccine
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 07:24:29 PM »
My friend in Florida who raises Silkies swears by this vaccine! She says it has cut once regular problem back to nothing. She has had two incidences of it in birds she brought in that were not vaccinated, but got it rectified pretty quickly....
Since we have dealt with coccidia many times in dogs, I am really leaning towards doing the vaccine with my babies.. I have a call in to one of the R & D vets at Merck to get some of my questions answered and I will report my findings back here....

In the meantime you can read the label info on the different variations of the Coccivac here:

It is recommended to use a non medicated feed for the chicks that are vaccinated with Coccivac..

Beth C

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Coccidiosis Vaccine
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2012, 08:57:48 AM »
Thanks, Jes, that helps a lot. With the hot, humid climate here, coccidia is a constant battle, so it\'s good to know it\'s working in FL. Let me know what you find out.