Author Topic: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH  (Read 20224 times)

Sharon Yorks

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2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:01:58 PM »
The Southern Ohio Poultry Association once again put on a great show in Lucasville, OH hosting somewhere between 2150-2175 birds…with an AMERAUCANA winning the Over-all Champion of Show honors! Congratulations to, Camille Lewandowski, whose black hen made a sweep in the Open, and to, Hannah Brush, whose white pullet took top honors in the Junior Show, winning Champion LF. With big wins in both the Open Show & the Junior Show, the Ameraucanas are making their presents known!

I spoke with Lucasville’s show superintendent, Tim Bowles, this morning and he said it was a pleasure hosting our National Meet and commented at how well we ran things and how much of a pleasure we all were to work with. I also thanked him for selecting such a great spot to put our tables. I would also like to make it known that he took the time to set most of it up before I had even gotten there Friday morning. He’s a class act in my book!  --Sharon

Below are the results of our meet, as reported by Paul Smith…

The 2014 national is now history. This was the greatest national meet that we have ever had the privilege to attend! Sharon Yorks worked for over two years getting ready for this show! Many individuals and businesses donated money or items for awards. There were 20 large fowl in the Jr. show, shown by seven juniors from four states. Dick Hortsman selected a white pullet shown by Hannah Brush from Ohio as best of breed and best AOSB. Later Hannah’s white pullet was chosen to be champion Jr. large fowl. Colton Brush of Ohio had the RV on a white hen. Will Kitsch of Pennsylvania had the top black on a pullet which also won RB and Res. AOSB. The Res. black was a cockerel shown by Matthew Smith of Texas. Best variety blue was a pullet shown by Will Kitsch and the Res. Blue a cockerel shown by Matthew Smith. Matthew also had best blue wheaten on a pullet. Will won both buff with a hen and cockerel, respectfully. Matthew had BV on a splash pullet and Xander Meeks had reserve on a hen. Matthew also had best variety on a wheaten pullet. A very outstanding set of birds shown by the juniors.

There were 18 bantams shown by five juniors from four states, judged by Larry Lawrence. The BV white, a pullet shown by Gus Malcolm of Colorado was selected best of breed and best AOCCL. The RV white was a hen shown by Paige Lee of Ohio. Paige also had the BV wheaten on a hen which also won Res. Breed. The reserve wheaten was a hen shown by Kali Massey from Illinois. Gus had the BV on a splash pullet. The best variety blue was a pullet shown by Marina Kramr of Michigan. The reserve blue was a pullet shown by Walter Malcolm of Colorado. Kali had both top honors in the blacks with her hen winning BV and her pullet RV. A very nice set of bantams from our juniors!

There were 58 bantams in the open show by eight exhibitors from five states, judged by Danny Padgett. Jerry DeSmidt of Wisconsin, had both the top spots on blacks, with his cock winning BV and his pullet winning RV. The BV blue which also won BB and best AOCCL, was a pullet shown by Russell Blair of Michigan. Russell also had RV with his cockerel. Jerry DeSmidt had both top places in the blue wheaten with a pullet that also won RB and his cockerel that won RV. Jerry DeSmidt also won BV and RV with his whites with a hen and a cockerel respectfully. John Blehm of Michigan, did the same with the buff, a pullet and cockerel respectfully and the silver also with a pullet and cockerel respectfully. John also won the lavender class with a pullet and Don Cash of North Carolina had the reserve with a hen. Russell Blair won the splash BV on a hen which was also selected best AOV. The reserve splash was a hen shown by Jerry DeSmidt which also won res. AOV. The wheaten class was won by a pullet out of the trio shown by Jerry DeSmidt. The reserve was a pullet shown by Sharon Yorks of Ohio. A good set of bantams and great tribute to the Ameraucana breed.

The large fowl show was the largest that I can remember attending. There were 139 head shown by 18 exhibitors from 10 states, also judged by Danny Padgett. Making a total of 21 different exhibitors from 12 states in the open show as 5 exhibitors showed both bantams and large fowl. Also one Jr. showed in both the Jr. and open show. There were a total of 10 different juniors from 6 states in the junior show as 2 juniors showed in both bantam and large fowl. This makes an overall total of 30 exhibitors from 14 states showing 235 Ameraucanas.

The open large fowl black was the largest class of Ameraucanas with 61 head shown. No one dominated the winning in the six classes of blacks as six different exhibitors shared the first place spot (C, H, K, P, OT, YT). Camille Lewandowski of Virginia had the BV on a black hen, which also won BB, Best AOSB, Champion Ameraucana and overall show champion. It’s great to see Ameraucanas win the entire show! Clif Redden from Kansas had the reserve on a pullet. Max Strawn of Texas won the blue class with a blue pullet which also won res. breed and Res. AOSB. The res. blue was a pullet show by Tom Kernan from New Jersey. The blue wheaten class was won by Paul & Angela Smith of Texas on a pullet. Larry Clionsky from Pennsylvania won reserve with his cock. James Fegan from Michigan won the brown red class with a pullet shown in the trio. James also had reserve with his hen. Will Kitsch from Pennsylvania won both of the top spots in the buff with his pullet and cockerel respectfully. Larry Clionsky should be delighted to see his breeding doing so well for their new owners! We were delighted to see Camille, Max, Clif, Duane and Will win with some of our breeding! As Jean Ribbeck says “A win for them is a win for you too.” The BV lavender was a pullet shown by Paul & Angela Smith. The reserve was a pullet shown by John Blehm. John also won both of the top spots with the Silvers, with two pullets, respectfully. The BV splash was a pullet shown by Paul & Angela. The reserve was a cockerel shown by Mindy Best of Ohio. The two splash were selected for the best AOV, winning over the lavender. The wheaten class was won by Duane Schroeder of Indiana with his pullet. Paul and Angela Smith had reserve, also with a pullet. Jerry DeSmidt won with his whites with a hen and cockerel winning both BV and RV. A great set of large fowl Ameraucanas which represented our breed well.

The top scoring large fowl display was blacks shown by Paul & Angela Smith with a score of 84. John Blehm’s blacks were res. large fowl display with a score of 62. Jerry DeSmidt had the top scoring bantams with his blue wheaten scoring 82, which moved them to the reserve display, over all displays.

There were six entries of bantam eggs co-judged by Duane Schroeder and Paul Smith. The highest scoring pullet and hen eggs were Jerry DeSmidt’s.

There were 8 entries of large fowl eggs co-judged by Clif Redden and Jeff Vance. The highest scoring hen eggs were shown by Larry Clionsky. Paul & Angela Smith had the highest scoring pullet eggs. Jean Ribbeck made the outstanding trophies for the egg contest and once again, John Blehm donated his Fowl Stuff hen boxes for all four winners.

An annual meeting was held on the show grounds in an adjacent building. Sharon Yorks presided over the meeting in the absence of Jean Ribbeck and Mike Gilbert. Everyone (37 people) introduced themselves. Discussions were held about getting both lavender and splash recognized and the 2015 national meet. The announcement that Harold Knapp received the Lifetime Achievement award was made. Photos were made of the ABC members that were present. Matthew Smith and Sharon Yorks made many photos for the ABC.

A raffle and silent auction of donated Ameraucanas raised over seven hundred dollars for the 2015 national meet awards. Duffle bags and nice usable poultry related prizes were awarded to every ABC member who showed at Lucasville. Jim Fegan’s daughter, Norma helped with the egg contest and worked the ABC table along with Angela Smith. Sharon Yorks worked the ABC prize, awards and ABC table.

Awards were presented to all the winners. A large number of ABC members attended the dinner party/get-together at Golden Corral. A good meal and great time was enjoyed by those who attended.

Sunday morning the champions were selected by the panel of judges. Jr. member Hannah Brush’s white pullet was selected Champion Jr. large fowl! Camille Lewandowski’s black hen was selected by the panel of judges to be champion open large fowl/show champion.

Great wins for the Ameraucana breed!

Coop out was announced and the coops were soon empty with all headed home. Shakti O’melveny-Rupp had the farthest (close to 2,000 miles) to Florence, MT. We only had 1,085 miles to get home! We left at 11:15 AM CST and arrived home at 7:10 on Monday in time for Matthew to attend school. Looking forward to hosting 2015 national.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 10:09:20 PM by Sharon Yorks »
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)

Mike Gilbert

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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2014, 02:23:51 PM »
That was a great report.    Thanks to Paul who always seems to pull all the information together, and thank you Sharon for passing it on.    It's really good to see so many different winners, as it is really good for the breed.  Now, do we have any photos of the birds to share?


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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 04:59:52 PM »
John also won both of the top spots with the Silvers, with a pullet and cockerel, respectfully.
Actually 2 LF pullets.

Sharon Yorks

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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 05:15:04 PM »
Mike...Pictures are being sorted through and will be posted soon.

John...Thanks for the correction.
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)

DeWayne Edgin

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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 06:08:33 PM »
Wow that was great Sharron!! You did an outstanding job on this!  :)  I am looking forward to meet you and other members in November!!  :)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 06:10:06 PM by DeWayne Edgin »

Sharon Yorks

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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2014, 06:22:03 PM »
No way would I ever take full credit. It was very much a group effort. Looking forward to meeting you, too.
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)

Mike Gilbert

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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2014, 07:10:26 PM »
Who won the trio entries in large and bantam?   Reserves?

Sharon Yorks

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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2014, 08:21:10 PM »
According to my records:

Best Trio LF went to Jerry DeSmidt...White young trio.
Best Trio Bantam went to Jerry DeSmidt...White young trio
Reserve Trio LF went to John Blehm...Black young trio
Reserve Trio Bantam went to Jerry DeSmidt...Blue Wheaten young trio

« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 09:55:17 PM by Sharon Yorks »
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)

Sharon Yorks

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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2014, 10:18:57 AM »
In The egg judging contest, as reported by Paul above...

There were 6 entries of bantam eggs co-judged by Duane Schroeder and Paul Smith. The Highest scoring pullet and hen eggs were Jerry DeSmidt's.

There were 8 entries of large fowl eggs co-judged by Clif Redden and Jeff Vance. The highest scoring hen eggs were shown by Larry Clionsky. Paul & Angela Smith had the highest scoring pullet eggs.

There were several awards given to each winner. Jean Ribbeck made her fluffly egg box awards. John Blehm donated his Fowl Stuff hen boxes, Manna Pro donated egg cleaning wipes, and each winner received a framed winning certificate.

Thanks to all of our egg judges for participating, to Angela Smith for taking the entries, and to Cheryl Vance for sending me this great picture.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 10:53:55 PM by Sharon Yorks »
Sharon Yorks
Mark 11:23

(Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!)


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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2014, 06:44:33 PM »
The 2014 Meet was a great time and we (Will and I) truly enjoyed once again putting faces with names.  Thanks so much to Sharon for all your hard work; and we are looking forward to meeting you all again soon!  For those that didn't make it...this club is special and if you can make the next one, you certainly won't regret the effort!

Christine (and Will) Kitsch
Christine Kitsch
Frozen Acre Farm


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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2014, 11:13:30 AM »
Large Fowl Open Class BV and RV winning birds

« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 11:23:26 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2014, 11:24:29 AM »
Large Fowl Open Class BV and RV winning birds

« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 11:36:40 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2014, 11:38:28 AM »
Bantam Open Class BV and RV winning birds
« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 11:48:28 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2014, 11:49:26 AM »
Bantam Open Class BV and RV winning birds

« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 11:57:00 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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Re: 2014 National Meet Results - Lucasville, OH
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2014, 11:59:41 AM »
Junior show will be posted later
Paul Smith