When we decided to add Ameraucanas to our poultry program, Mom wanted Blacks, Aunt Mary wanted Blues, and I wanted Whites. Thankfully, we were able to get nice Blacks and Blues from Paul and Angela Smith, Max Strawn, and Clif Reddin. We have been very pleased with the birds that we bought from all three of these breeders.
Whites were a different story. We searched and searched. The few that we were able to find at shows were not for sale. I asked one of the judges at a show to keep his eyes open and let me know when he found some nice White Ameraucanas. One evening, I got an email from him and he told me if I was still interested to contact Bridgett Riddle in California. She said that she was going to sell out of her White Ameraucanas. We were able to get her last two trios. I am not sure where she got her start. We were very pleased with both trios and have really enjoyed breeding and showing them.