Author Topic: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas  (Read 11010 times)

Ernie Haire

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Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« on: December 25, 2015, 09:14:50 AM »
We are trying to get ready for the Bluebonnet Classic next weekend in College Station, Texas. Mom and Mary are already planning what they are going to cook and bring with us. Anyone who knows them knows that they really enjoy having a snack table. We will be traveling on January 1 and showing on January 2. This has always been a nice show in an excellent facility. The club that puts the show on is experienced at running a large show and always keep the show running smoothly.

The weather here is still changing from day to day, but that is just northeast Texas. I am sure that most of you have had temperatures in the lower 30's and into the high 70s, but in the same day???? Those of us who live here know that you should be prepared for anything. The chickens are the ones who seem to be confused. Is it spring, summer, fall, or winter?????? Humans know to dress in layers and/or carry extra clothes everywhere we go. The chickens are really having problems with that idea. We all know that when they take off a layer, it is not that easy to put back.

Oh well, we have chickens entered at the Bluebonnet Classic and we will be there. We entered some of everything and will sort through them when we load chickens. We are looking forward to visiting with all of our Ameraucana friends who are there. We pray that everyone who is coming down has safe travels.

Count Your Blessings,

Ernie Haire

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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2015, 09:16:34 PM »
I know that Mary, Mom, Peggy, Paul, and myself have Ameraucanas entered. I haven't heard anything for sure from Max or Aaron. There are usually a few more Ameraucana breeders at that show, but I don't know them by name. If you are planning on showing at the Bluebonnet, let us know.

We are praying for safe travels for everyone who is coming. Whether to show or just to visit, we look forward to seeing everyone in College Station next weekend.

Be Blessed,


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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2015, 09:27:32 PM »
I'm not going to make it this time but I'll see y'all in Ft. Worth.  :)
Max Strawn

Ernie Haire

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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2015, 12:27:59 PM »
I hate that you are not going to be able to make the Bluebonnet Classic this year. We are looking forward to the show. This show is the first show that we ever attended. We had no idea what we were doing or what to expect. We did very well that year, but had to ask other exhibitors what the writing on our coop cards meant after the judge was finished. We had always shown cattle, lambs, horses, hogs, rabbits, dogs, and goats. We did not understand the poultry show at all. After that show, we were hooked on showing poultry and have been to many shows since. We are still learning something at every show.

As soon as the dust settles (or mud dries) after this show, we will be focusing on Ft. Worth. We will be looking for you there.

Be Blessed,

Ernie Haire

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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2016, 08:58:12 AM »
Congratulations to Smith Family on their wins at the Bluebonnet Classic yesterday. Paul and Angela had a Black Cock that won BV, BB, and Champion AOSB. Mathew did well in the junior show too.

There were quite a few Ameraucanas exhibited by six or seven different breeders. It was great to be able to see everyone and spend the day visiting. We got to see some of our friends who we haven't seen this show season. We also got to meet some new breeders who were not showing, but at the show to watch and visit. If you weren't there, you were missed.
Paul kept the records of the placings. I am sure that he will post the results when he gets time. Now it is time to start focusing on the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show in Ft. Worth.

Ernie Haire


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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2016, 10:33:47 AM »
  The Bluebonnet Classic was held at College Station, Texas on Jan. 2, 2016.

  We had an excellent Ameraucana show with 6 exhibitors showing 60 large fowl in the open show, and 1 exhibitor showing 7 head of whites in the bantam open show.  Rip Stavely from Florida judged the large fowl.

  Whites were the largest class with 26 head shown by two ABC members.  Ernie Haire had BV on his white cock which also won RB.  The RV was a hen shown by Diane Goddard.  Sixteen head were shown in the black class by 3 ABC members.  The BV was a cock shown by Paul & Angela Smith.  He also was selected BB, best AOSB and Reserve large fowl of the show.  The black hen shown by Paul & Angela was RV.  Two ABC members showed 11 blues.  The BV was a pullet shown by Paul & Angela.  They also had RV on a cockerel.  There were five head of splash shown by 3 ABC members.  Aaron Hickson had the BV and RV on two splash pullets.  There were only two blue wheatens shown by Paul & Angela Smith.  Their cockerel was selected BV and pullet was RV.

  In the open bantams Ernie Haire showed 7 head of whites.  One of Ernie’s pullets won BV and BB, his cockerel was RV and RB.  Soon there should be several more exhibitors with Ameraucana bantams, due to the amount of interest expressed in them.

  There were 6 head of Jr. bantams shown by 2 juniors.  Madison Buddle showed a black hen which was selected BV and RB.  The other 5 head were EEL’s.  They were judged by Troy Jones.  Troy also judged the 8 head of large fowl shown by 3 juniors.  One white a pullet shown by Kendall Gerfers won BB and best AOSB.  One EEL was shown.  Matthew Smith showed the other six head.  Matthew’s BV blue pullet won RB and res. AOSB.  His black pullet was selected BV and his cockerel RV.  He also exhibited the only blue wheatens a pullet.

  This was the Bluebonnet Classic’s 25th show and our first time to show at it.  It was a very well run large show with a total of 1919 birds entered from Texas exhibitors.  Photos of the BV and RV Ameraucanas will be posted ASAP.
Paul Smith


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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2016, 12:23:26 PM »
Congratulations to all of the winners!  It sounds like it was a great show and it's great to see the whites represented so strongly.  This color really has the chance to compete well and get more folks involved with the breed.  (I hope Paul has a good number of white breeding pens next year too.) And it is especially good to see the AMs going beyond BB in a show with this many entries.  I am glad to see many judges are beginning to notice the quality in the breed.  And thanks to a few outlaws, its nice to see bantam Ameraucanas represented outside of their stronghold.  Good Job and good luck next at Fort Worth.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 12:50:16 PM by Don »
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9

Ernie Haire

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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2016, 02:58:46 PM »
There are a few of  us who live in Texas that have recently gotten Bantams. I have Whites and have been searching for Blacks. I have located one set of Blacks and hope to get them next month.

 I know that Peggy Taylor has Wheatens and Blue Wheatens, and Max Strawn has some Wheatens or Blue Wheatens. Hopefully, we can work on breeding the birds that we have this year and get more people working with Bantams.

Ernie Haire
Poultry 2XL
Arp, Texas


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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2016, 03:09:10 PM »
Congratulations to all the winners at the Bluebonnet Classic last weekend. As Don stated, it is great to see the judges consistently noticing the Ameraucana breed when placing entries. This is truly a tribute to breeders striving to improve the quality within our breed. Thank you all! Another thank you to Paul on another detailed show report results on another ABC show.
Gordon Gilliam

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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2016, 09:38:38 AM »
Congratz everyone!

Clif Redden

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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2016, 12:14:04 PM »
Thanks Paul for the Meet report. Congratulations to everyone on your wins!

Susan Mouw

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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2016, 04:45:23 PM »
  The Bluebonnet Classic was held at College Station, Texas on Jan. 2, 2016.

  We had an excellent Ameraucana show with 6 exhibitors showing 60 large fowl in the open show, and 1 exhibitor showing 7 head of whites in the bantam open show.  Rip Stavely from Florida judged the large fowl.

  Whites were the largest class with 26 head shown by two ABC members.  Ernie Haire had BV on his white cock which also won RB.  The RV was a hen shown by Diane Goddard.  Sixteen head were shown in the black class by 3 ABC members.  The BV was a cock shown by Paul & Angela Smith.  He also was selected BB, best AOSB and Reserve large fowl of the show.  The black hen shown by Paul & Angela was RV.  Two ABC members showed 11 blues.  The BV was a pullet shown by Paul & Angela.  They also had RV on a cockerel.  There were five head of splash shown by 3 ABC members.  Aaron Hickson had the BV and RV on two splash pullets.  There were only two blue wheatens shown by Paul & Angela Smith.  Their cockerel was selected BV and pullet was RV.

  In the open bantams Ernie Haire showed 7 head of whites.  One of Ernie’s pullets won BV and BB, his cockerel was RV and RB.  Soon there should be several more exhibitors with Ameraucana bantams, due to the amount of interest expressed in them.

  There were 6 head of Jr. bantams shown by 2 juniors.  Madison Buddle showed a black hen which was selected BV and RB.  The other 5 head were EEL’s.  They were judged by Troy Jones.  Troy also judged the 8 head of large fowl shown by 3 juniors.  One white a pullet shown by Kendall Gerfers won BB and best AOSB.  One EEL was shown.  Matthew Smith showed the other six head.  Matthew’s BV blue pullet won RB and res. AOSB.  His black pullet was selected BV and his cockerel RV.  He also exhibited the only blue wheatens a pullet.

  This was the Bluebonnet Classic’s 25th show and our first time to show at it.  It was a very well run large show with a total of 1919 birds entered from Texas exhibitors.  Photos of the BV and RV Ameraucanas will be posted ASAP.

Congratulations to all the winners!  Rip Stavely is a great judge and knows a good Ameraucana when he sees one. He's also a really nice guy.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm


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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2016, 06:17:35 PM »
Large Fowl photos of winning birds
« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 06:27:28 PM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2016, 06:28:46 PM »
Bantam winning birds
Paul Smith


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Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2016, 06:31:08 PM »
Junior Bantam show
Paul Smith