It's Chick Time!
I know some of you have already fired up the incubators, some are holding out for better weather, and some, like me, are drooling over chick pics and itching to get started!
This is a great time for us to do some refreshing on the website gallery! I'd love to get some great new chick pics of each variety or project colors. Even a bit older chicks, like the 8 week old wheaten pullet we have on there now, make great educational resources for all us Ameraucana fanciers out there!
So, when you're sharing pictures of your cute little fluffy bottoms on Facebook...send a few to for the website gallery.
I can't guarantee that every picture will be used, and even those not used now, may be used later. We don't give credit on the website for who's picture it is, but you'll know.