Author Topic: 2017 NATIONAL SHOW IS HISTORY  (Read 12735 times)


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« on: November 01, 2017, 10:24:49 PM »
Maybe I should have labeled this thread “Memories” instead of the 2017 National Show is History.
Yes, a new banner, but the same mix of old and new members promoting our breed! A memory of a team effort pulling together for the good of the ABC and the Ameraucana Breed. I asked Jerry DeSmidt if he could tabulate judging results. Jerry said that he and Paul Smith were already doing that. I did ask our professional photographer in the club if he would take the winner’s pictures. His pictures always turn out so great. Paul Smith said “I’ve already started taking pictures”. It’s like they were reading my mind or saw that deer in the headlight look in my eyes as this was my first time to organize an ABC National Show. Memories of Jean Ribbeck that could not attend the show, but sent me all of the forms and instructions for the Egg Contest. She even made the delicate Egg Contest Awards and shipped them. Memories of when I asked Jan Geis if she would judge the egg contest. She said yes but said I have never done this before. I assured her that Jean had sent me all of the instructions and it was not that hard. Somewhere along the way and I don’t know how the deal was made, but Jan said we have a new Egg Contest Judge! It’s my husband Mike. Then I got to see the deer in the head lights look in his eyes. He did a great job and now is an experienced Egg Contest Judge. Winners were LF/Hen and LF/Pullet both won by Paul Smith. Bantam/Hen and Bantam/Pullet were won by Jerry DeSmidt.
Memories of help at the ABC Table and Silent On-site and Off-site Auctions. Angela Smith pitched in as usual, but we got a rookie helper in Andrea Drenth from North Dakota. My oldest daughter Amber even helped. She is not an ABC member, but I am working on her. Yes, we were crowded as we only had a small area and 2 tables. As you can see from the pictures, we managed to squeeze in literature, auction items, and trophies.   
Memories of the young boy who wanted his mom to buy him the 4 Hole Show Box. He kept coming back to see how many had bid on it. On his second or third trip, I told him if you bid on an item I’ll give you a quarter.
Two or three more trips and mom relented and placed a bid on the 4 Hole Show Box for him. Yes, I gave him the quarter, he eventually won and the smile on his face will be a memory to cherish forever!
The On-site and Off-site Auction took in a total of $936. This will be passed on help fund the 2018 ABC National Show in the North East District.
Memories of all the awesome Ameraucanas on exhibit. The Black LF was our largest variety class and had some tough birds to beat in that class. Our Champion Ameraucana came from that variety. It was an awesome cockerel shown by M&J Farm. Here is a photo to whet your appetite. You will have to wait for Paul’s professional photos of this bird and the other winners.
Jerry DeSmidt pretty well tore up the Bantam Ameraucana classes. Between his Bantams and LF Entries when we tabulated, he had won 16 of the souvenir egg baskets. That propelled him to win National High Point Award and a trophy.
Memories of our Junior High Point winner Nathan Thompson from WI. The smile on his face when presented the trophy will last my lifetime. I don’t think the money and certificate even registered as he grasped his trophy! This truly is the future of the ABC and the Ameraucana Breed. What a way to end the show. It made me think, maybe doing chores in -20 degree weather is worth doing to make memories like this!
I want to thank the ABC for giving me the opportunity to make these memories! Below is a photo of those attending the show. Andrea Drenth from ND was missing at photo time.
                 L-R Jerry DeSmidt, Jan Geis, Nathan Thompson, Katie Proffit, me, Angela and Paul Smith
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 10:31:19 PM by Birdcrazy »
Gordon Gilliam


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« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2017, 10:41:46 PM »
  The Ameraucana Breeders Club held their annual national meet at the Minnesota State Poultry Association show in Hutchinson on Oct. 28 & 29, 2017.  Eight exhibtiors whom 6 are ABC members showed a total of 65 Ameraucanas.  Six members from 5 states showed 37 large fowl.  Seven blue were shown with M & J Farms winning BV on a cock.  Paul & Angela Smith won RV on a pullet.  Katie Proffit won BV blue wheaten on a pullet purchased as a chick from Paul & Angela Smith who had the RV also on a pullet.  Katie also won BV on a wheaten pullet and Paul & Angela had RV on a pullet.  Only one buff, a cockerel was shown into BV by Paul & Angela Smith.  Eight whites were shown.  Jerry DeSmidt won BV and RB on a hen and RV on a cockerel.  Three self blue were shown by Paul & Angela with their cockerel winning BV and a pullet RV.  Blacks were the largest class with 13 head.  M & J Farms won BV, BB, and Champion Ameraucana on a cockerel.  Sunday morning judge Gary Rossman came to me asking if I was exhibitor # 103, who was Jan Geis of M & J Farms.  Gary said to Jan and I, he missed the Ameraucanas when selecting the best AOSB.  Both the Ameraucanas and Chanteclers were pulled out of the class line up to be in the prime location of the show room, due to them being national meets.  Gary also said the black Ameraucana cockerel should have been best AOSB, that both he and his clerk missed the Ameraucanas, and the he didn’t think about Ameraucanas being in the AOSB until later Saturday evening.  M & J Farms also had RB on a black pullet.

  Twenty-five bantams were shown with Jerry DeSmidt showing 24 of them.  Jerry won all the BV and RV.  Four blacks were shown with Jerry’s hen winning BV and pullet RV.  Three blues competed with Jerry’s pullet winning BV and RB and his cockerel RV.  Jerry showed 1 buff a pullet into BV.  Jerry’s two blue wheaten cockerels showed into BV and RV.  He showed two wheatens with his pullet winning BV, BB, Res. AOCCL and Res. Ameraucana.  His cockerel was RV.  Eight whites were shown with Jerry’s cock winning BV and his pullet RV.  Four self blues were shown with Jerry’s cockerel winning BV and his pullet RV.  Jerry showed one splash cockerel into BV.  A special thanks to Jerry for bringing an outstanding set of bantam Ameraucanas to our national meet.  They also were awarded best trio, best display and won Jerry the national show’s high point traveling plaque and the best bantam hen and pullet eggs.  Mike Geis, recent licensed judge, judged the eggs.  Paul & Angela Smith were awarded best LF hen and pullet eggs.  Special thanks to Jean Ribbeck for making the egg awards.

  The Junior show had one exhibitor show two white bantams.  Nathan Thompson showed his cockerel into BV and BB and his pullet into RV and RB.  He also showed a large fowl white cock into BV and BB.

  The unfavorable weather conditions have the birds confused about their molt time.  The birds not being in condition and predator attacks on several ABC members flocks caused a large decrease in the numbers shown.  This is our nineteenth year showing,  I don’t remember having the birds molt as young as they are molting this year.

  Gordon Gilliam and his daughter Amber did an excellent job of promoting the ABC with their work with the ABC table, egg contest, silent and on site auction, and awards presentation.  Special thanks to Gordon for the donations to the ABC.  Gordon donated the BV and RV egg basket awards, many raffle items including a tool box, wooden carriers for bantams, a wind chime and more.  Special thanks to Susan Mouw for managing the offsite auction.  Over $900 was raised for our 2018 national awards.  Special thanks to everyone who donated hatching eggs, chicks and adults, and special thanks to everyone who made purchases, which made this a success!  Gina Grapengeter won the new member drawing and will be receiving the Premier 1 Brooder Heater.  Thanks to Gordon and Amber a great time was had by all who attended.  We will be anxiously awaiting the 2018 ABC national meet hosted by Larry Clionsky and the NC District.

Paul Smith


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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2017, 07:43:55 AM »
Junior Show
Paul Smith


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« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2017, 07:46:30 AM »
Bantam Show
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 07:55:29 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2017, 07:56:26 AM »
Bantam Show
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 07:58:58 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2017, 08:00:12 AM »
Large fowl show
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 08:17:48 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2017, 08:13:34 AM »
Large fowl show
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 08:21:20 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2017, 08:22:04 AM »
ABC member Andrea Drenth not in picture.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 08:25:49 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith


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« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2017, 09:22:00 AM »
Thanks Paul for the detailed report on winners at the National Show. Another great job on the photos. A special thank you for all of your help at the show!
Gordon Gilliam

Katie Proffit

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« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2017, 08:43:29 PM »
Thank you for everything Paul! It was so nice to meet everyone and to see all the really great birds!


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« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2017, 08:30:37 AM »
Congrats to all of the winners.  I am sure it was a great show even though the weather was a bit sketchy.  Thanks to Gordon for all of the hard work he and his daughter put into the planning and organization for this to happen.   And Thanks also to all those who took pictures to let people who could not travel for the event to be able to see some of the festivities.   
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9

Susan Mouw

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« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2017, 01:48:40 PM »
The Meet Report for the Minnesota State Poultry Show - 2017 ABC National is now posted.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm