Author Topic: Large Fowl Ameraucana Hatching Eggs  (Read 3324 times)


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Large Fowl Ameraucana Hatching Eggs
« on: May 19, 2020, 10:04:16 AM »
We set our fifteenth and final hatch of the season due to hatch on June 2.  We have been sending out hatching eggs from pairs and trios that possessed good fertility from our last hatch on May 11.  Presently there are some orders for self blue, and blue/black/splash.  We can provide whites and more blue/black/splash, self blue, and self blue split to black large fowl Ameraucana hatching eggs.  Sorry no wheaten/blue wheaten/splash wheaten available. 
Contact Paul Smith for order info.  Be sure to say which state you reside.
Paul & Angela
Paul Smith