I have contacted Jackie Roaque of the 7220 Poultry Club which is hosting our 2021 ABC National Meet. Here is her reply on questions that I asked her for information. I hope this will help with planning on those who are attending the show. Here are my questions with her replies.
Hi Gordon,
Thanks for reaching out! I apologize we have not got back to you sooner.
I am working on the show book right now and hope to have the final copy along with entry forms out by August 8th. I will attempt to answer most of your questions now, but may not be able to answer all as we are still finalizing some plans. This being our very first show we are still trying to tie up some loose ends and finals details, so bear with us!
What are your check in hours for entries? Finalizing our schedule now, but likely 1600 - 2000 Friday evening and 0630-0800 Saturday morning What are the actual hours for your show? 0830-1700 (I see it will be a double show) When can we load out? ~1700 following show Saturday or Sunday morning
When will you have a catalog and entry forms available for your show? August 8th Will they be available as a download on Poultry Show Central?Yes
What health papers and testing is required for out of state entries? Wyoming Requirements for the importation of Poultry and Hatching Eggs. (a) An ICVI or a National Poultry Improvement Plan Form VS 9-3 is required on all Poultry and Hatching Eggs entering Wyoming. (b) Poultry imported for resale or commercial egg or meat production shall have a negative test result for the following diseases within thirty (30) days prior to import unless from an NPIP clean flock for the respective disease(s): (i) Pullorum – Typhoid; (ii) Avian Influenza; (iii) Mycoplasma gallisepticum; (iv) Mycoplasma synoviae; and (v) Salmonella enteritidis. (c) No poultry or Hatching Egg shall be imported into Wyoming that originates from a Quarantine area or control zone suspected of harboring poultry disease unless permitted by the Wyoming State Veterinarian under a “Secure Food Supply Plan.”
Will food be available at the fairgrounds?We are working on lining up a local 4H club to run concessions. If we are not able to, there are a few fast food options within 5-10 minute drive.
What is your cutoff date for entries? September 4th currently, may change if I can't get the show book out by August 8th or earlier.
Hope this helps!
Jackie Roaque
7220 Poultry Club