Dark bluish/purple combs appeared a few years ago in my LF and maybe it was the blacks/blues, but don\'t remember for sure. I didn\'t breed from them, but if the gene is recessive it may still be in my breeders and manifest itself from time to time. I don\'t think any chicks had it this year, but after hatching almost 1,500 I could be wrong.
Some of my bantam lavenders, with walnut combs, looked like they had very dark combs. I think all of the pea combed chicks had nice red combs.
My LF blacks were developed from LF Australop pullets (McMurry chicks) and a medium sized white Ameraucana male (Jerry Segler stock) many years ago. This same cock was used in making LF whites, buffs and perhaps blues as I recall, using Orpington pullet chicks from McMurry.
Other crosses have been made since with each variety. In the blacks though I think the only cross was with an exhibition Australop cockerel from Jim Fegan. I\'ve assumed the blacks were E/E, but have started my LF brown reds a few years back using what appeared to be a fairly nice brown red pullet that just happened from my LF blacks. I crossed a brown red bantam male from Mike Gilbert over her. It appears my LF blacks/blues may be E/E and/or E/E^R.