Author Topic: shipping day old chicks  (Read 9340 times)


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shipping day old chicks
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2012, 09:18:58 AM »
Does anyone try to contact the Post Office or work the way up the chain of management there to get anything changed?

My local postmaster has been very helpful with the problems I\'ve experienced over the last couple years and one clerk there is extremely efficient. :D
Postal workers are people like everywhere else in life...some caring and conscientious and others that just don\'t care and should be fired.  
Postmasters come and go though.  Over the decades I\'ve encountered some clerks and postmasters that tried to make it just about impossible for me to ship chicks because they didn\'t want to be bothered with something out of the ordinary. :o  

Beth C

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shipping day old chicks
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2012, 09:57:57 AM »
Postal workers are people like everywhere else in life...some caring and conscientious and others that just don\'t care and should be fired.

Very true. I love my local post office staff. And every time I walk in I say, \"Have I told you lately how much I love my mail carrier?\" And they laugh, because they briefly met my old mail carrier, who was purely evil. The old postmaster was her best friend from grade school, so she had a free pass until her bff retired. She lasted about 2 more months and dropped her own retirement package. Mean people serve a purpose - they sure make you appreciate the good ones!

Back to chicks, Paul\'s story makes me wonder if this was dishonesty or carelessness. This is chick season and a lot of boxes are going though the system, especially major hubs. I\'m picturing a couple of damaged boxes and bewildered workers stuffing escapees into the nearest one. A \"teaching opportunity\" any *good* supervisor would certainly want to take advantage of... ;)

Christie Rhae

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shipping day old chicks
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2012, 03:04:25 PM »
Living in Hawaii I have to rely heavily on the USPS.  I have had remarkably few problems.  I mean for the amount of mail they move and for the price, you can\'t beat it.
I did have an entire box of chicks die in the mail because it was missent a week or so ago. But that is such a rare occurrence.  I have had so many deliveries make it perfectly on time.  I am usually impressed with the post office.

I have always been a glass half full kinda gal.  :p