Author Topic: Egg Color  (Read 29108 times)


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Egg Color
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2006, 05:37:06 PM »
Whew!  I guess you guys are having quite the discussion about egg color!  Guess I should visit more often.   ;)

Angela...I wonder if your customers will be laughing when they get those green eggs?  

Mom and Ozark Rose I have to agree with you...afterall blue eggs are what sets this breed apart, makes it unique and egg color should not be relegated to the back burner anymore than pea combs and muffs and beards should be ignored.  What would happen if one of our well known breeder/exhibitors showed up at the Nationals with Ameraucanas with no muffs and beards and said...\"oh what the heck...the rest of the bird looks really great and besides...its a work in progress\"?
I keep hearing this is a new breed, a work in progress but after 25 years the breed still doesn\'t have consistancy in egg color.  
Maybe its time to stop ignoring  this problem in the breed.

My question is the need for the continuing addition of brown egg layer genes to the Ameraucana gene pool....and just because some of us are concerned about egg color doesn\'t mean thats all we are breeding for BUT even if we were how is that any different than people who just breed for show type?  
Sort of like the pot calling the kettle black IMO.
I won\'t bore you with my by now well known rant about breeds ruined for the sake of show type. (its a pet peeve of mine)
The key to breeding any great specimen is to look at the whole picture....type, temprament, ability to thrive/hardiness, egg production and last but not least egg color.


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Egg Color
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2006, 05:44:38 PM »
Suz GREAT egg color chart!
This is something I hope the national breed club will adopt and vote on what colors we are suppose to be breeding for.  At least then we will have something tangible to aim for instead of all this vagueness


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Egg Color
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2006, 06:30:03 PM »
We all need to consider the number of views the 2 egg color posts have generated...this one has 694 views  nd the other one has 849.  
This is far greater than any of the other current topics.
This should be an obvious clue as to how much interest and importance there is to this topic.


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Egg Color
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2006, 06:57:16 PM »

Good point.



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Egg Color
« Reply #49 on: March 03, 2006, 08:03:10 PM »
Again, my customers know better.....
  The fact that the standard calls for \"blue\" eggs has never been in question, and has been the goal for some time...  You guys aren\'t suddenly having an epiphany, as a matter of fact, you\'re beating a dead horse.   This issue been debated many times.  But, to insinuate that the value of this breed is determined by blue eggs is rediculous.  Do you not see the beauty of the bird?
  You can get blue eggs anywhere.....easter-eggers are a dime a dozen.  Show me perfect lacing on a standard blue Ameraucana, and I get all warm and fuzzy...I don\'t care what color eggs it lays.  
  You are not going to MAKE this breed lay blue eggs just because you want it too.  Let\'s see YOU breed a few generations of good type with consistant blue eggs, then preach to me about the standards.  
   Until\'s a work in progress.  Now, I have a show to go to in Pryor, I\'m taking my sub-standard Ameraucanas....wish me luck, or not.  


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Egg Color
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2006, 08:43:03 PM »
wish me luck

OK, Good Luck! :)


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Egg Color
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2006, 09:04:34 PM »
You rock, John!!


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Egg Color
« Reply #52 on: March 03, 2006, 09:24:02 PM »
Quote from: Angela

  The fact that the standard calls for \"blue\" eggs has never been in question, and has been the goal for some time...  You guys aren\'t suddenly having an epiphany, Sheesh!   :o
Who implied this was an epiphany?  I thought the purpose of forums was for discussion?
as a matter of fact, you\'re beating a dead horse. Too bad an important aspect of the breed is considered a \"dead horse\" issue and off limits for discussion.   This issue been debated many times. Well I for one wasn\'t debating rather expressing my opinion but apprently Angela you feel like you are the only one who can offer up their opinions here  But, to insinuate that the value of this breed is determined by blue eggs is rediculous. Please, what is riduiclous is your reaction... point out where that was said???? Do you not see the beauty of the bird?
  You can get blue eggs anywhere.....easter-eggers are a dime a dozen.  Show me perfect lacing on a standard blue Ameraucana, and I get all warm and fuzzy...I don\'t care what color eggs it lays. Well thats your choice and if some people prefer good birds and good egg color thats their choice.
  You are not going to MAKE this breed lay blue eggs just because you want it too.  Let\'s see YOU breed a few generations of good type with consistant blue eggs, then preach to me about the standards. Nobody was preaching to you Angela but what i\'d like to know is why are YOU are so fired up because some people don\'t agree with you? And if anybody is \"preaching\" in this thread you are
   Until\'s a work in progress.  Now, I have a show to go to in Pryor, I\'m taking my sub-standard Ameraucanas Nobody implied you or anybody else was breeding sub standard Ameraucanas....wish me luck, or not.  

I\'m outta here.  I don\'t need this.


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Egg Color
« Reply #53 on: March 03, 2006, 09:46:59 PM »
I was going to snipe back, but it\'s just not worth it...


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Egg Color
« Reply #54 on: March 03, 2006, 11:33:39 PM »
Yep, this thread has definitely gotten pretty heated!


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Egg Color
« Reply #55 on: March 04, 2006, 08:59:40 AM »
Yep, this thread has definitely gotten pretty heated!

There comes a time when we should quit adding fuel to the fire.  This topic is now Locked.