One of the reasons we had to go the two year pre-qualifying route with LF self-blue is because we didn't have good records of how many C-H-K-P were shown in the previous years. If we had been able to establish that the appropriate numbers had been entered at the preceding shows, we might have been able to circumvent those two years.
Our meet report form doesn't require that the number of each sex entered be notated, but if we could remember to make a note of that for both self-blue and splash - in both bantam and large fowl - we might be able to cut that timeline down by half for future applications.
For example, I just finished a meet report for the Southwestern Exp - lots of birds there! - If you were there and can remember how many of each sex for both self-blue (bantam only) and splash (both bantam and large fowl), I would be happy to include it on our meet reports and then use it when we file for those applications.