Author Topic: Requesting Meets  (Read 6566 times)

Temple DaSilva

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Requesting Meets
« on: January 05, 2017, 09:20:57 AM »
Hi all and Happy New Year!

I was having an offline conversation about requesting meets and thought this would be a good topic to take to the larger ABC membership.  The Meet Policy states:  "As a general rule of thumb, meets should only be placed where it is reasonably expected that three or more members will show Ameraucana."

I live in a region where there aren't many Ameraucanas or ABC members showing.  While there may be a few LF, I'm typically the only one with bantams.  My question is should I not request ABC meets for shows in my area?  What are everyone's thoughts on this?


-Temple DaSilva

Ernie Haire

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2017, 10:25:14 AM »
We are lucky to live in an area where there are quite a few Ameraucana breeders. We live in the northeastern part of Texas. People ask us how and why we show in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma. Remember that Texas is a big state. Sometimes it is closer for us to show in another state than it is for us to show at a show in Texas. We can be in parts of Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas or Mississippi in less time than it would take us to get to shows in many parts of Texas.

We breed and exhibit other breeds of chickens. We make decisions as to what we will be hauling to different shows based on what meets are scheduled for that show. If there is an Ameraucana Meet scheduled, we haul more Ameraucanas. If there is a Marans Meet scheduled, we haul more Marans. If there is a Sussex Meet scheduled, we haul more Speckled Sussex.

I feel that it is important to have meets at shows not only for the points, but to make sure that there is a good representation of Ameraucanas at the shows. Some shows have more "walk through" visitors than others. Some shows are mainly breeders and exhibitors. I feel that the more exposure the breed gets, the better. We are also seeing exhibitors who have Ameraucanas start showing them due to the fact that they can join the ABC and participate in our Awards Program. 

I understand needing to have meets where there should potentially be three or more exhibitors, but the person who requests the meet can only speculate on how many exhibitors will show up at any show. I also feel that in order to develop and cultivate the interest that may be in an area, we should provide an opportunity for the breeders that are there to participate in our Point System.

Maybe there is a way that we can address that requirement and allow for more ABC Meets in those areas with fewer breeders to create and cultivate an interest in our club and our breed.

Be Blessed,
Ernie Haire
Poultry 2XL
Arp, Texas

Temple DaSilva

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2017, 10:56:14 AM »
Thanks for your well thought out response, Ernie.  I do love to see meet reports coming in from some of these bantam-rich areas like TX! 

I am new to Ameraucanas and showing and generally enter just a handful of birds. But I do try to enter at least one from each variety I own.  I hope that this can show spectators - be they "walk through" visitors or fellow exhibitors - the variety of colors available in the breed and possibly attract someone else.  I know I never thought I wanted a red bird until I saw a wheaten at a show... and now I have wheatens!

I do like to think that maybe having my little birds at a show is going to bring others to the breed after seeing them.  I don't enter with intentions of being on Champion Row or garnering a zillion points.  Heck, any points I get are usually from my own birds... half of which are non-recognized varieties anyway!  But, still, it is nice to at least have the opportunity to get some points. 

Also, as I was glad to see you note, my hope is that if more shows hosted ABC meets, we would get more participation.  I don't know if that will actually pan out but as the Meet Policy is currently written, it does discourage those of us in Ameraucana-sparse areas from requesting meets and trying out the theory of "build it and they will come".


Ernie Haire

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2017, 07:38:31 PM »
I wish that Texas was Bantam Rich. That would have saved us a fortune in money, time, and fuel. We had not seen Bantam Ameraucanas until about four years ago at Shawnee. We saw them and wanted some to work with. Peggy Taylor and I started the search for Bantams there. Of course, no body who was exhibiting them had anything to sell. After that, we came home and started the search. We contacted everyone that could possibly have Bantam Ameraucanas for sale.

After about a year of searching, Peggy found some Wheatens and Blue Wheatens. We found Blacks and Whites. The first year we all tried to hatch every egg that was laid. Then we found Blues and Self Blues and tried to hatch every egg that was laid. The next two years, we flew under the radar with Bantam Ameraucanas and were still searching for Silvers, Chocolates, and Buffs. Because our numbers were so limited, we were afraid to haul them and expose them to anything that they might pick up at a show.

This year, Peggy located Silvers and Chocolates. We both were blessed to find a set of Buffs. We have hauled these varieties a little, but we are hording them until we are more comfortable with our numbers. We hope to have good hatches this year on all of the varieties of Bantams that we are breeding. This year, Max Strawn also started breeding and showing Bantam Ameraucanas.

We hope that between all of us we can build up the numbers of Bantam Ameraucanas at the shows. I know that Peggy has shared some of her birds and eggs with other breeders in this area and other states that are going to be working with them. I have been able to share eggs with some people and birds with some. I did get to send Bantam Ameraucanas home with two different APA/ABA judges who are now going to be working with them. There has been quite a bit of interest in the Bantam Ameraucanas and the Large Fowl Ameraucanas this show season. I honestly believe that seeing the different varieties of Large Fowl and Bantams helps build an interest in the breed.

Be Blessed,
Ernie Haire

Peggy Taylor

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2017, 09:29:49 PM »
I understand the reason behind the "rule"....BUT even tho you may "reasonably" expect 3 or more  breeders to show Ameraucanas there is no guarantee its going to happen. 

You may have a meet (show) that last year had 5 or 6 exhibitors and this year there's only 1....but next year there may be 4 or 5.  Things happen, often at the last minute, that prevent someone from making a show that they had full intentions of doing.  I have found myself in that position more than once over the past year or two.

What I am trying to say I guess is that I don't think there should be a restriction on  placing meets  understanding that there may only be 1 or 2 exhibitors in areas like Temple's that are short on breeders that show. Sparse areas have the same right to earn points as areas that have more breeders showing. The shows are a showcase for our breed but it takes time, effort, and money to go to shows so there should be some reward for the effort of the exhibitor. Points are those rewards.

Another point... when you request a meet for a "New" show you really don't have any idea how it will work out.  The first year may have that single exhibitor, or maybe 2, but the next year just might be a whole lot better. In order to expand interest in the breed new shows with meets are needed. The first thing I look for  are the approved meets. That is what draws my interest. That is where I am going.

So, Yes, Temple I personally think you should request any meet for your area that will help the breeders in your area even tho there may not be that many active breeders showing. Having approved meets might encourage more breeders to show.

Just my personal opinion for what it's worth !



Temple DaSilva

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2017, 09:28:47 AM »
So, Yes, Temple I personally think you should request any meet for your area that will help the breeders in your area even tho there may not be that many active breeders showing. Having approved meets might encourage more breeders to show.

Much appreciated, Peggy!  I had hoped that others may be of the same "build it and they will come" opinion. I would love to find some way to get more Ameraucanas in New England and think that seeing beautiful birds at shows certainly has to help.

-Temple in snowy Connecticut

Ernie Haire

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2017, 10:04:16 AM »
I had never given Bantams a thought untl I saw the first ones at Shawnee. We had several breeds of chickens at that time, but they were all Large Fowl. It seems like the more we see, the more we want. Someday, this has got to STOP. I have got to get a handle on this obsession.

Be BLessed,

Susan Mouw

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2017, 12:22:26 PM »
I love the "build it and they will come" concept! And wholeheartedly agree.

I know, way down here in the Deep Southeast, there just weren't any Ameraucana breeders showing, except in NC.  I was often the only Am exhibitor and would generate a lot of interest and questions from both the "walk-throughs" and the other exhibitors.

Now, I'm starting to see that "build it and they will come" pay off.  In two weeks, I'm heading to a show where I've never shown before - NorthEast Georgia and have already learned that there will be at last one other Am exhibitor there!  Of course, he's showing a bird I sold him, but that's ok.  I hope he does well with him. :)

I agree with both Peggy and Ernie - the more Ameraucanas we have out there, the more interest will be generated for the breed. Over the last few years, I've seen the spread of quality Ameraucana stock into areas that were previously rather sparse and I think the more we promote the breed - by getting them out there into the public venue - the better it will be.

So, should we do away with that part of the Meet policy and just let Meets be requested at whatever shows members want to attend?  The final decision to place a meet is still with the District Director where the meet is held.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Temple DaSilva

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2017, 01:42:59 PM »
So, should we do away with that part of the Meet policy and just let Meets be requested at whatever shows members want to attend?  The final decision to place a meet is still with the District Director where the meet is held.

I think that would be helpful, Susan.... or at least I wouldn't feel like I'm bending the rules by requesting meets without getting advance commitments from three other ABC members to enter as well.  And, like I think it was Peggy who said, sometimes you don't know until cooping-in is done who is going to show and who isn't.

Can anyone here explain the thought behind the three exhibitor guidance? 

Thanks for the discussion, everyone!



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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2017, 01:46:19 PM »
I agree that the more AMs we have out there for the public to see is a good thing.  And every little small show should have a few AMs, hopefully more.  But that doesn't require a Meet.  We can all show out birds at any show, the meets are meant to target shows and bring about more members to the shows.  I think the reason for the 3 exhibitor comment is so that people don't call Meets for every small show in driving distance of their location.
A Meet is where Breeders come together to compete with their birds.  Temple there are areas of the country where their are few exhibitors.  And its fine to call for A Meet or two in that area. You mention that there will be shows were there are few bantams shown.  And that's understandable since bantams have become a rarity.  IMO The goal is to talk to the members and see where they want to try to gather for these events.  And I think that it is a good idea that these locations rotate to other areas so more members have a chance to attend, meet other breeders and learn at these gatherings.   So I do not think this meet requirement should be changed. 
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9

Susan Mouw

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2017, 02:02:26 PM »
So, should we do away with that part of the Meet policy and just let Meets be requested at whatever shows members want to attend?  The final decision to place a meet is still with the District Director where the meet is held.

I think that would be helpful, Susan.... or at least I wouldn't feel like I'm bending the rules by requesting meets without getting advance commitments from three other ABC members to enter as well.  And, like I think it was Peggy who said, sometimes you don't know until cooping-in is done who is going to show and who isn't.

Can anyone here explain the thought behind the three exhibitor guidance? 

That was placed by a previous administration and at a time when Ameraucanas weren't as widespread as they are now. I think the purpose was to avoid having "no shows". I don't know that no shows are such a terrible thing, honestly, although if it happens more than once at the same site, we probably shouldn't place another meet there until we can be sure of an Ameraucana presence.

Thanks for the discussion, everyone!

Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Temple DaSilva

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2017, 10:29:21 AM »
...I think the reason for the 3 exhibitor comment is so that people don't call Meets for every small show in driving distance of their location.

...A Meet is where Breeders come together to compete with their birds.   

... IMO The goal is to talk to the members and see where they want to try to gather for these events.   So I do not think this meet requirement should be changed.

Hi Don,

Thank you for this explanation.  I didn't understand the underlying intent of meets so this is very helpful.  As it's clear it's not to be used to track attendance points at any show folks enter but rather to help bring together more Ameraucanas than usual for a particular show or area, it makes sense to have the three members exhibiting guidance in place.

-temple... frozen in Connecticut

Ernie Haire

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Re: Requesting Meets
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2017, 03:44:56 PM »
I like having the Meets listed on the ABC site because we are able to see what shows are going to be held where. There are some of us who regularly visit by email or text, but others I only get to see at the shows. Most shows can be found on the Poultry Show Central Site, but when it is listed as an ABC Meet I can assume that other ABC members are going to make an effort to exhibit there. Due to the heat here in the South, we have to make all of the shows that we are going to make when the weather is not too hot to haul birds. I am sure that the breeders in the north have to base their show season on the the weather also. I do know that my friends in Indiana are pretty much done showing before we ever get started here.

Be Blessed,
Ernie Haire
Poultry 2XL
Arp, Texas