Author Topic: Regional Meets to augment the National region  (Read 6343 times)


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Regional Meets to augment the National region
« on: December 10, 2018, 04:40:22 PM »
I'm going to try this one more time to try to generate discussion.  I hope we can stay on topic.

"Any chance of holding a National near us folks in the western part of the country? lol"

Cesar asked a question, and it was answered regarding the National rotation.  But it raises a question that has been on my mind for some time. It does seem to feel like some areas are isolated for several years because the rotation takes 5 years to come around to each district.

One of the other Breed clubs has a system where they also have Regional Meets each year. So as example, when the National meet is in the East, they have a Regional Meet in the Western and Middle portions of the country. These meets are not as attended as the National and the awards are much more along the lind of the District type meets. But the point is to give the breeders in those areas a place to gather and promote the breed while they wait for the National to return.  Anyone else have examples from other clubs that they think works well? 
Don Cash
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Lindsay Helton

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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2018, 10:54:15 PM »
I think there are pros and cons to potentially adding regional meets.

One pro is that it would help maintain, and potentially increase, participation and involvement of club members at ABC shows on a yearly basis. It also may help draw in more members. The more visible you are at shows as a club, the better.

One con is that it could potentially pull numbers, and involvement, away from the yearly National. Members that might have otherwise made plans to attend the National may settle for attending only their specified regional meet. I would think that there would need to be specific criteria and requirements in place regarding regional meets to not take away from the National, such as placing regional meets a certain number of weeks away from the scheduled National. If regional meets and the National landed on the same weekend, I would think it would definitely impact participation at the National.

Another pro is that with the amount of travel involved for some members to the National, as well as the differing NPIP requirements among the states, it could boost club moral. It feels like due to NPIP requirements, we are becoming increasingly limited as to where the National can be held to try to include members outside of the hosting district. Maybe these regional meets would help soften the blow of not being able to attend the National due to the high costs involved with meeting the NPIP requirements of the hosting state.

A con would be that we would be increasing the workload of the district directors further, as well as spending additional monies of the club to host these regional meets. Hosting four regional meets a year could get expensive and add up quickly.

We would want to be sure that by adding regional meets, we are not taking away from the “special nature” of the National.

Hopefully these thoughts can help with getting the conversation started. :)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 11:00:24 PM by Lindsay Helton »


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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2018, 11:23:34 AM »
I do not see a benefit to booking more special shows since we have enough trouble getting excellent attendance at the district and national meets.  I think the problem is too many people don't understand what the national and district meets are suppose to be, due to so many club meets now.  Years ago, before the Ameraucana breed became so popular, meets were scheduled to encourage Ameraucana breeders to show at them so there would be more than one person showing with theirs in a back corner of the show room.  The district and national were really special shows that many breeders would make an extra effort to show, and these meets were promoted all year long.
Paul Smith


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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2018, 02:52:22 PM »
I agree with Paul. If more emphasis is needed for a special show, why not promote the District Show as a more special show held no less than 2-3 weeks away from that years National Show.  That buffer of time would help those that would attend both their district show and the National Show. The Ameraucana Breed has came a long way in shows in the last 10 years. Let's keep it moving forward supporting the National and District Shows, and I feel that the club ABC Meets will follow suit.
Gordon Gilliam

Susan Mouw

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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2018, 06:55:52 PM »
I agree, as well.  At our SE District meet last weekend in Knoxville, we weren't even listed in the catalog as having a meet - more or less a District meet.

I think we need to do more to encourage participation in the District meets and promote them more.

The expense of adding more "special" meets would be prohibitive, as well.  The cost of the trophies alone for the National was over $1500, and that's been pretty par for the course over the last 4 years.  That doesn't include the rosettes, the special banner, and various and other sundry expenses.  While the club does take some money in, through the various raffles and trophy donations, we have yet to even break even on a National meet.
Susan Mouw
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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2018, 06:26:20 AM »
Its good to get comments.  Thank you Lindsay for your post of discussion with pros and cons. 

The concern of not having a Large meet in the West for five years spurred the thought. The West is a larger district so even the District meet for them is a bit farther to travel in any given year.   

We definitely could focus more on the District meets more to build more fellowship and energy. And I'm not sure that we couldn't replace a District with a Regional somehow with some discussion and planning. It might help to build some excitment from different geographic areas of membership too, just a thought. 

The rock club has 10 districts, so has 10 district meets each year, two Regionals and One National. I know there are a few more Rock breeders than AM breeders but it does seem to work for them very well. 

Regarding awards, I don't think most clubs offer quite as many awards.  And Personally I don't think that is a focus for most people beyond juniors and new folks trying to fill up a trophy wall.  Trophies and Rossettes could definitely be trimmed for even the National IMO. 

Again it was just a thought to encourage some discussion from the membership. So feel free to add their thoughts or other ideas if you are interested. 
Don Cash
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Susan Mouw

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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2018, 10:57:29 AM »
Regarding awards, I don't think most clubs offer quite as many awards.  And Personally I don't think that is a focus for most people beyond juniors and new folks trying to fill up a trophy wall.  Trophies and Rossettes could definitely be trimmed for even the National IMO. 

Again it was just a thought to encourage some discussion from the membership. So feel free to add their thoughts or other ideas if you are interested.

Just adding my thoughts...

I don't think trophies and rosettes are just a focus for juniors and new folks trying to fill up a trophy wall.  Personally, I like receiving a trophy or rosette to commemorate a special win - especially if received at a National or District meet.  And if I had kept them all, I would have enough trophies and rosettes from my dog and horse shows over the years to fill up every wall in this house, with some left over.  However, I have kept those that had special meaning to me, for some reason or other, and am doing the same for the chicken shows.  I know, some day, someone will have to clean out all those, to them, meaningless, memories, but by that time, I won't remember them anyway.
Susan Mouw
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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2018, 02:15:30 PM »
No district has a National for five years, it's the norm.  We are a large district geographically, but the numbers of members are lower than the others as the West has a lower population density.

I have been trying to jump my Nationals around so that different people can attend a National.  The bigger shows on the West Coast are generally in late winter, so a National is not an option for Pacific locals. 

For the past four years, generally, the only people requesting meets in this district are me and Debra Hogan.  More recently Michelle has requested some in Utah.  Meets cannot be place when the Director does not have a request or know about the show.

I thought this issue was put to rest after the Board poll was completed. 

All members of the Western District, please feel free to contact me for meet requests, ideas or suggestions.  I would love to hear from you.

Michelle Muldowney-Stevens

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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2018, 05:03:28 PM »
I have to say, Athena and I had so much fun at the Nationals held in Idaho a couple years ago. Attending that and meeting breeders face to face was what really got us into showing.The ABC was the first club we joined and we joined while at Nationals. I do wish there were more big meets out west that we could go to but I understand the points made above. I'm always up for hosting a district meet (or Nationals when it comes around again) in Utah. :)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 05:05:25 PM by Michele Muldowney-Stevens »


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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2018, 06:44:06 PM »
Looking your way Michele for the next one.  I looked into it previously but the Club in Farmington only had 26 LF cages.

Michelle Muldowney-Stevens

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Re: Regional Meets to augment the National region
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2018, 12:37:28 PM »
Unfortunately, the Utah Fancy Poultry Association is mostly bantams but we do have more than 26 LF cages. I will get that figured out. Since I've been involved, the LF showing has increased significantly. Thanks, Jean!