Author Topic: New to chickens, new to forum, need help  (Read 2934 times)


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New to chickens, new to forum, need help
« on: July 27, 2007, 09:38:33 PM »
Hi, I recently found this site after a young chicken came wandering into our lives. We live in a suburban neighborhood, so we were quite surprised to find this chick in our yard one day!

My problem is in identifying it. I have spent hours searching for photos of young chickens that resemble this one, and have come up with very little. I was hoping that some here may be able to help. (I originally thought that it may be a silver ameraucana, which is how I found the site.) My other thought is that it may be a red jungle fowl.

We haven\'t been able to locate the prior owners, and the bird was practically anorexic, so I can only assume that it was not wanted. My daughter would love to keep it, as it grew fond of her right away and follows her everywhere!

So, I am attaching a link to some photos in the hope that someone can help me identify it, and possibly guess at it\'s age as well. (I could not seem to make the files small enough to attach directly to the post) Thanks in advance for any help- here is the link:


Mike Gilbert

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New to chickens, new to forum, need help
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 10:22:51 PM »
No muffs and a single comb.  Not an Ameraucana.   Certainly not a red jungle fowl - wrong color.   Could not see whether it has a tail or not, and could not make out leg color.   Is it a standard sized chicken or a bantam?   My best guess is it could be some kind of hybrid.    It looks kinda dumpy, eyes closed, and poor condition.   It may be suffering from coccidiosis or parasites.    Do you have anyone in your neighborhood with experience that could help?


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New to chickens, new to forum, need help
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 10:47:38 PM »
Thanks! Not sure how old they are when they are fully identifiable, but this bird seems very young- it still cheeps.

Unfortunately I know little to nothing about the sizes of chickens- I don\'t even think I\'ve ever held a chicken before now. I\'m 100% newbie.  :D

I took it to the vet today to have it checked out, and his best guess was jungle fowl. I really don\'t think he knew either! hahaha He also dewormed it and gave antibiotics for the apparent eye infection.

The dumpy look, I think, is because I woke it to take photos. Not a happy bird!   ;)

Here is a side photo of the bird the day we found it- maybe this will help?

Mike Gilbert

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New to chickens, new to forum, need help
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2007, 07:35:03 AM »
Okay, the coloring and legs are consistent with a variety & breed called silver phoenix.   They get pretty long tails when grown.   If so it should develop white earlobes.   At first I was thinking Old English Game bantam, but they have white legs.
Or, as I said earlier, it could be some kind of cross.


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New to chickens, new to forum, need help
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2007, 09:48:08 AM »
Yes, that looks more like what I have! Thank you!  :D


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New to chickens, new to forum, need help
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2007, 11:07:50 AM »
I would have to agree with  Mike and say she\'s a silver phoenix.  Good luck raising your first chicken!  :D