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Topics - Susan Mouw

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Exhibiting & Promoting / Meet Reports and Meet Report Library
« on: December 16, 2017, 07:15:33 PM »
Quite a few new Meet Reports have been posted throughout today.  I've posted links to each one in the thread for that meet, but you can also see the full listing of all published meet reports in our Meet Report Library

I'm done for today, but I finally see light at the end of the tunnel. :)

Exhibiting & Promoting / Meet Reports posted
« on: December 12, 2017, 01:56:59 PM »
Hi everyone

I am working my way through the stack of meet reports - no particular order, except just going through the pile. :)

I've posted 4 new Meet reports:

Please take a look at them and let me know if there are any error/omissions.  Thanks!

The Meet Report for the Central Indiana Poultry Show is now posted.

Thank you to everyone for submitting pics for the November Gallery Competition!  Lots of great photos submitted and our judges had a challenge choosing the winners.

Bantam pics stay the same as they are.

Large Fowl:

New Black Pullet, by Susan Mouw

New Black Hen, by Elsa Brouwer

New Black Cockerel, by Susan Mouw

New Black Cock, by Susan Mouw (bred by Clif Redden)

We're taking a break in December so everyone can sit back and enjoy their Christmas and holiday season. 

Next up, in January - white Ameraucanas!

Exhibiting & Promoting / Cape Fear Poultry Show, Smithfield, NC 12-9-17
« on: December 10, 2017, 09:43:49 AM »
In spite of nasty weather, and some rough traveling conditions, the Cape Fear Poultry Association outdid themselves!  About 200+- birds couldn't make it through, but the rest of us 700 or so that were there had a great time, great company, and, oh yeah...wonderful food!

Here are the results:

Cape Fear poultry show
BB, res CH AOSB.. Black P by Camille Lewandowski
RB - Black P by Susan Mouw
BV - Blue K by Susan Mouw
RV - Blue P by Susan Mouw
BV - Buff P by Clint Outlaw
RV - Buff K by Clint Outlaw
BV - Self Blue H by Janice Weaver
RV - Self Blue P by Katherine Harrell
23 LF Ameraucanas, Judge Brian Decker

No Bantams, and no Juniors showed, but it was a great turnout in LF!

News and Information / Dues Reminder and new forum registration field
« on: December 06, 2017, 07:11:47 PM »
Just a friendly reminder - as we approach the end of the year, many member's expiration dates approach, as well.  We've added a new profile field, so you can look up your ABC member expiration date, if you're not sure if you're due yet or not.

To see your expiration date, once you've signed in, click on "Profile" on the main menu:

About halfway down the page, you will see your expiration date.  For those that are Lifetime members, it will say Lifetime.

To renew your membership, you can do it online at

or you can send it via Paypal to

Dues have not changed:

Junior - $10
Individual - $12
Family - $18
Individual Lifetime - $200
Family Lifetime - $300

2018 ABC Nationals Greenville OH / 2018 ABC National Meet has been set!
« on: December 05, 2017, 11:45:11 AM »
2018 Ameraucana Breeders Club National Meet

Join us for a great time, great friends, and gorgeous birds at the Dayton Fancy Feathers Poultry Show, Oct 6th-7th, 2018, in Greenville, OH!

The Case of the Missing Self-Blue LF Ameraucana
has been, at least somewhat, resolved.  Apparently, she either got loose or was removed from her cage and, instead of someone putting her back in the cage, she was tucked into one of the show boxes underneath.  She was discovered when folks were unloading this morning.  I personally know the people that found her and know, beyond a doubt, that person did not put that bird in their show box.  The mystery remains as to who did, but at least now the bird has been recovered and the person is shipping her back to Pat, at no expense to Pat.
I have let the Show Committee know about her recovery and will update the various forums, and FB pages, where this was posted.

News and Information / Dixie Classic
« on: December 04, 2017, 07:28:02 AM »
I don't want to steal Paul's thunder, so I'm not posting results. :)

But I did want to say what a great time I had meeting so many folks I've talked with, chatted with, and laughed with over the past couple of years:  Paul and Angela Smith - the nicest two people you'd ever want to meet and their dedication to this breed and to the ABC is off the charts!  Barbarba Dodington - so glad we finally got a chance to meet in person - makes our chats so much more personable! :)  Tom Kernan -  your name has been like a legend to me and I'm so thrilled with our little bird swap!  Can't wait to see what that new black cockerel brings to the breeding program here at Sand Castles Farm!  Jan Burke Geis - so glad to have finally met you and had the privilege of seeing your birds first-hand.  Sherry Klaus - wish we'd had more time to visit! Your birds are beautiful!  Paul and Holly McDonnell - it was so great to meet you two! Hope to see you at more shows in the future!

And, of course, it was great seeing my friends again - Billy and Lindsay Helton - I enjoy seeing you every chance I get and especially love our 3 AM chats! ;)  Maggie Maier - what a great roommate and friend - I think that needs to be an annual plan. :)  Jeff and Sherry Vance - always great to see my "brother from another mother"...too bad I didn't need that "back up" after judging!  LOL 

And, one of our newest members and first time chicken exhibitors and one of my neighbors - Pat Dukes!  Your strength and resilience during a trying time was an inspiration to all of us.  I hope we get to travel together at many more shows.

I will say the Self-Blue prequalifying meet was successful, but I'll let Paul give the details. :)

Next up - Cape Fear Poultry show, and then I'm done for this year. 

News and Information / Gallery Competition
« on: December 01, 2017, 07:46:50 AM »
With the Christmas season upon us, and everyone, including our three illustrious judges, busy with shows, holiday preparations, and everything else, we've moved the December competition to January and pushed everything back by a month.  So there will be no Gallery Competition in December.

Here is the new schedule:

I will announce the winners of the November Competition for Black Ameraucanas when I get back from Knoxville.

Wishing Everyone a Joyous Christmas Season

Exhibiting & Promoting / 2017 Ohio National, Columbus OH, 11/11/17
« on: November 13, 2017, 08:35:41 AM »
Ameraucanas, and the ABC, were well represented at this weekend's Ohio National, in Columbus, OH!  The depth of quality was simply amazing in both LF and bantams, in both Open and JR shows.

I don't have the full reports from Bantams (thank you, Temple Da Silva!) and from Jrs (thank you, Hannah Brush!), but here is a quick summary of what I know:

34 LF Ameraucana in Open, with Black, Blue, Buff, Blue Wheaten, White, and Wheatens all represented.  BB was a black pullet by Susan Mouw, and RB was a blue hen by Karen Sanders Warner.

24 Bantam Ameraucana in Open. I know there were black and white, but I don't have my notes in front of me for the full variety listing.  BB, and CH AOCCL was a white cockerel by Jerry DeSmidt, and RB was a black cockerel by Temple DaSilva!

I believe Hannah Brush got BB in Jrs, but I don't have that full report yet.

Great job, everyone!  Congratulations.

More to come when I have all my notes out of the car (car isn't unloaded yet, except for birds).

News and Information / Email from Ameraucana Breeders Club`
« on: November 08, 2017, 01:30:13 PM »
To All ABC Members
If you have received an email from the Ameraucana Breeders Club, it is spam.  Do not open.
The email addresses we use for the ABC are all "pass-through" addresses and we never send anything out direct from those addresses.
We are looking into it and hope to have it resolved soon.  Please report it as spam.

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