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Messages - bryngyld

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Ameraucana Marketplace / Bantam Lavender pairs for sale
« on: December 06, 2010, 09:31:48 AM »
I don\'t need a pair, but I could use a new cockerel.  I had all females hatch this year.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Pair Large Fowl Brown Reds
« on: December 01, 2010, 01:25:53 PM »
I don\'t really think this little fellow is slow maturing.  I was guessing a pullet because the neck was not long.  I should take a photo.  He has cockerel feathers coming in and is still shaped like a pullet (doesn\'t have a long neck).

Ameraucana Marketplace / Pair Large Fowl Brown Reds
« on: December 01, 2010, 09:22:50 AM »
About type, I have a young cockerel that I thought was going to be a pullet for the longest time.  I\'m thinking the obvious baby cockerels have longer necks.  Do y\'all think the ones that we think might be pullets end up as cockerels with better type - at least in the equal head and tail height?

Ameraucana Marketplace / Pair Large Fowl Brown Reds
« on: November 30, 2010, 09:34:44 AM »
I can use an infusion of good type.  I have decent size and the color of my LF black gold is improving.  If you don\'t find a more local potential breeder, I\'m interested.  I\'d prefer not to ship, also, but I can\'t quite drive there.  ^_^

Ameraucana Marketplace / Looking for a LF Lavender cockerel
« on: June 10, 2010, 10:16:21 AM »
Patty, I thought I had the same problem, but discovered the hens were very good at hiding (escaping their pen, laying in another place, and returning before I got home from work).  I would give them a chance, anyway.  They don\'t eat much. ^_^

Ameraucana Marketplace / Looking for a LF Lavender cockerel
« on: June 09, 2010, 09:45:53 AM »
I have a black split Lavender cockerel available.  I got a pair from Robin in So Cal, but both turned out to be boys.  I probably don\'t need either of them since I only have started chicks in Lavender.  I\'m near Sacramento.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Question on Blues-Splash and Blacks
« on: May 27, 2010, 09:29:32 AM »
Last year I had young rats squeezing through the wire and killing all the babies in a single night.  They might kill the smaller ones only.  Not a mark was on the babies.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Brown Red Cockerel - need opinions on him
« on: May 24, 2010, 05:59:53 PM »
He is a handsome fellow.

It\'s OK for brown-reds to have darker red on their wings?  Black Golds shouldn\'t though?

Ameraucana Marketplace / Looking for Advice - As Usual
« on: May 24, 2010, 03:51:32 PM »
Being a lazy animal husbandry person, I long ago realized that selecting from the highest producing hens sort of happens on its own.  I always hatch early and late, which selects for the hens with longer laying cycles.  If a hen lays every day, she has 7 potential chicks in the \'bator.  If a hen lays one egg a week (or none)... you get my drift.

Then again, I was dismayed that my lovely lavender bantams didn\'t lay one single egg this spring.  My dog told me there were some hidden eggs in the Phoenix pen.  Sure enough, the little hens snuck out every day, laid in the Phoenix pen (and consorting with the handsome Phoenix) and then snuck home with lame excuses for the husband left at home.

Seriously, I agree with the feed having the most affect on laying... and the weather.  If one hen doesn\'t lay... cull her.  If most or all your hens don\'t lay, change something.

If my rejects have slate legs and muffs/beards, I call them \"Color Culls\".  If they are lacking those, I call them \"Easter Eggers\".  

Ameraucana Marketplace / Trying a different approach for now...
« on: February 17, 2010, 11:11:49 AM »
\"Mahogany (in general)\" is probably a different acting gene in different species.  My Oberhasli goats are described as mahogany bay.  It is an agouti gene on a black goat, but the correctly colored ones have a reddish cast to the coat.  In the photo the goat in th foreground is NOT mahogany bay but the back end of the one in front is close - maybe a little light.

The RIRs in the shows are almost black, the red is so dark.  We definitely need a better description or some photos to know what the posters were specifically talking about.  I\'d love to see what people are working on.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Trying a different approach for now...
« on: February 16, 2010, 04:47:07 PM »
Here is an exerpt from the BLR Wyandotte working standard, \"...web of each feather, rich mahogany bay...\"

My investigation concludes that the first posters are most likely indeed talking about the deep, dark red of RIRs and BLR Wyandottes.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Trying a different approach for now...
« on: February 16, 2010, 04:36:08 PM »
You can see a few more RIRs on Feathersite that shimmer without green tails, but the files are too large to copy here.

The blue laced red wyandottes call for a brick red.  The wyandottes I bought to make BLR Am. were as dark red as the RIR I attached here.  My early generations have very few with red this deep and often the hackles are lighter.

I\'m only guessing at which color the folks working on the mahogany are talking about.  I\'m just saying the deep rich red can shimmer.  

Also, here is a link to a BLR Wyandotte breeder who crossed in RIRs, I assume to get the better dark brick color.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Trying a different approach for now...
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:23:36 PM »
Here is a RIR from Feathersite that is dark red and looks \"shimmery\" in the sun.

Ameraucana Marketplace / Culling Choices
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:07:53 AM »
I don\'t know about wheaten color, but I think I remember a thread on how the hens who have been laying a lot have lighter and lighter eggs as the season goes on.  There was also a recommendation for feed, to supply them with what was missing - was it copper?

Now that John is back, maybe he can lead you to the thread...

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