Author Topic: Ice Storm  (Read 5521 times)


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Ice Storm
« on: December 16, 2013, 02:42:40 PM »
Sorry John,

I should have started a new thread for this. I will try to be more precise in the future...  :D
Max Strawn


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Re: Ice Storm
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 09:54:15 PM »
I like your setup. Looks like you had some damage from the large branches that fell. Did you loose any birds from the storm.


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Re: Ice Storm
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2013, 08:37:20 AM »
Thanks! The damage was small. Only the overhang on one side of the roof. No casualties but when that big branch fell it probably took a few years off of their lives. lol! My poor pecan trees used to be about 75 feet tall. Now they are about 50 feet tall...
Max Strawn


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Re: Ice Storm
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2013, 11:40:27 AM »
I love your pens Max!  You obviously spent alot of time on them.  Glad nothing was damaged.  Your pecan trees will survive!

Remember the 09 ice storm I told you about?  Here's what my place looked like:

The last pic is my chicken pen.  Somehow, despite being surrounded with trees, it survived.

Hubby rues the day he brought the chicks home...


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Re: Ice Storm
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2013, 12:36:00 PM »
Thank you Sharon! :)  It has been quite time consuming and i'm not finished yet. But are we ever really finished? ::)  Wow! Thats a lot of ice! And the downed power lines... how long were you without power? We were only out for 24 hours.
Max Strawn


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Re: Ice Storm
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2013, 01:39:32 PM »
LOL.  No, we are never ever finished!  We think we are, but something always needs repair or re-design.  Hubby's first words to me on his first days off are always, "What are we doing with the chickens this week?".  Poor guy.  ;D

I can't remember exactly, but it was a long time.  I'm thinking around 10 days.  City always gets taken care of first and they were hammered.  It was a very extensive ice storm.  I remember hearing about folks in the really rural areas of north central Arkansas that were a month without power.  Luckily, we have propane for heat and a couple of generators kept the fridge and freezer running.  Neighbors had a whole freezer of beef that was starting to thaw and luckily we had an extra generator for them to borrow.
Hubby rues the day he brought the chicks home...


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Re: Ice Storm
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2013, 11:02:50 PM »
Looks like you have a great set up.  You're fighting the same type of ice storms we have here most often.  We have great trees to give us and the birds a break in the summer.  But they are a real liability in ice and wind storms.  I'm thinking I need to into some of the old muscadine trellis ideas.  At least you had power back fairly soon.
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9


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Re: Ice Storm
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2013, 12:42:43 AM »
Thanks Don! I have to tip my hat to all of you that live up north. I don't think I could deal with that much cold weather for that long. I am definitely a warm weather person! It may get cold here but it usually doesn't last long. It was 72 degrees here on Thursday.
Max Strawn