Author Topic: Exhibitor Points  (Read 14247 times)

Kelly Gore

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Exhibitor Points
« on: November 23, 2017, 04:13:04 PM »
I am a little confused as to how the point system works. I had a pullet win Best AOSB at our show in October. Does that mean Ch Ameraucana? That is not written on the coop card.


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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2017, 04:25:35 PM »
Kelly, A bird has to win a class to advance to the next level.  So yes if you had Champion AOSB, it had to first win Best of Variety, then Best of Breed.  You get ABC points up to Champion Ameraucana, so the number of AMs shown will determine the number of points.  You can also gain points for all of the entries that you win over in the AOSB classes for the APA. 
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9

Susan Mouw

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2017, 04:26:21 PM »
Congratulations on your win!

CH AOSB does not automatically equal CH Ameraucana.  CH Ameraucana and Res CH Ameraucana are the top two Ameraucanas overall, in both bantam and large fowl.  A judge has to be requested to make that designation and, usually, we only do it for District or National meets.

To give an example, let's say we have the following:  in Large fowl, Best of Breed was a black cockerel, and the Reserve of Breed was a blue hen.  In bantams, the BB was a silver hen and the RB was a wheaten pullet.

We ask the judge to choose CH Ameraucana and Reserve CH Ameraucana.  The judge decides that the best Ameraucana entered that day was the black cockerel from the large fowl class and the Reserve goes to the silver hen.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Susan Mouw

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2017, 04:39:46 PM »
To take the above example a bit further, let's say there were 38 LF Ameraucanas entered and judged and 22 bantam Ameraucanas.

The Black cockerel that won BB in LF automatically gets 38 points and the Blue Hen that won RB gets 37 points.
The Silver Hen that won BB in bantams has earned 22 points and the wheaten pullet that won RB earns 21 points.

If CH Ameraucana and Res CH Ameraucana are named, then the points would be for the total Ameraucanas entered, in both LF and bantam, so, instead of the above, the Black Ameraucana named CH Ameraucana would get 38 + 22 points = 60 points, because he beat all large fowl and all bantam.  The Silver Hen that was awarded Reserve CH Ameraucana would get one point less - 37 (she didn't beat the Black Cockerel) + 22 = 59 points.

The RB in LF and the RB in bantams points won't change - they still only beat the other birds in their class.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Kelly Gore

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2017, 08:14:29 PM »
My coop card does have BV and BB in black. The Best AOSB in red. I have no idea how many Ameraucana's were at the show. I didn't see any bantams. So, if there were 25 LF entered. My best would get 25 points. My other pullet had RV and RB written on her card. She would get 24 points? And are points accumulated per calendar year or? So much to learn!

Susan Mouw

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2017, 08:32:03 PM »
You've got it!  If there were 25 entered and judged (not absent), then your BB would get 25 points and your RB would get 24.

Points from Open class are accumulated over your whole showing career and as long as you are a member of the ABC.  Points from Jr classes are accumulated until you reach age 18.

Points for the ABC are only counted for how many Ameraucanas you beat, so wins for Class CH and above are not counted.  However, if you are a member of the APA, Class CH an Res Class CH can count for points, if there are at least 25 birds in the whole class.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Ernie Haire

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2017, 01:00:26 PM »
There is an explanation of how ABC Points are figured on the website. I think that you can locate it by following the link to Exhibitor Points. The Annual High Point Award is figured from the first show after the Nationals through the last show before the next National Show. It is not the calendar year. Many of the breed clubs award show points using the same process as the ABC.

APA points are figured on how many birds were entered in the class. It used to be only for the Best of Class with a 25 entry limit. I think that they are changing that to allow Reserve Champions of Class to receive points too.

The ABA awards points to members based on the size of the show and the amount of birds entered in the class.

Susan Mouw

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2017, 04:00:23 PM »
The Annual High Point awards ended with this last National.  I'm working on meet reports and points now, so should have some numbers and winners soon.

Of course, Master Breeder and the other recognition for achievements will continue.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Ernie Haire

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2017, 08:52:04 PM »

We appreciate all of the work that you do for our club. I know how much work it is to keep up with all of the reports and point tabulations that you do. It is hard enough for me to work and keep up with feeding and tending to the chickens.

Be Blessed,

Seth Johnson

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2017, 12:57:58 PM »
So, if we ask show management to have a "Champion Ameraucana" chosen at a AM Meet we could potentially be doubling or more the points the winner of that honor gets? And if nobody asks, they just get their LF and Bantam points?


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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2017, 02:21:44 PM »
  The champion Ameraucana from the large fowl verses the bantam should only be awarded at the ABC national or the five district meets.
Paul Smith


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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2017, 02:34:31 PM »
Seth,  The Champion AM LF/Bantam are only applicable to the ABC as well, and even then as Paul mentioned just for the National/District meets.  They will not apply to any further points for the show or to the APA/ABA.  Most poultry Breed clubs that I am aware of do not use this designation so the LF and Bantams stand alone in their Award Points.
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9

Ernie Haire

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2017, 05:53:51 PM »
This is not exactly the way I understand our current Point System.

Just Saying,

Susan Mouw

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2017, 06:02:31 PM »
There is no stated rule that CH and Res CH Ameraucana are for National and District Meets only and there have been a few times where CH Ameraucana was chosen by the judge at a club or, as previously designated, special or state meet and points have been awarded accordingly.

However, since LF and bantams are usually judged by two different judges, you are asking two judges to go out of their way to choose CH and Res CH Ameraucana winners, so it is not generally done unless it is a significant meet.

As mentioned above, CH and Res CH Ameraucana applies only to ABC points and has no impact, or is even recorded and recognized by APA or ABA.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Ernie Haire

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Re: Exhibitor Points
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2017, 07:30:30 PM »
If Champion and Reserve Champion Ameraucana is only going to be awarded at District and National Meets, we need to clarify that before we get started into 2018. This would be a great time to make it "written" rather than "intended". Because we have only been members of the ABC for a few years, I read the website to learn our current Point System. I have always understood our ABC points to be awarded based on what is written on the website. I know that policies and things change as time goes on and websites sometime get overlooked. Lord knows that my personal website is very outdated. Our new members have to rely on what is written to understand the  way our club is ran.

If you look at our Point System, it currently states that one point will be given to the Champion Ameraucana for every Ameraucana exhibited in both Large Fowl and Bantam. The Reserve Champion Ameraucana will receive one point for every Ameraucana exhibited in both Large Fowl and Bantam less one. It doesn't say anything about only being awarded at District and National Shows. There would be no reason to select a Champion or Reserve Champion Ameraucana if either the Large Fowl or Bantam class had no entries.

We were at a show last weekend where both the Large Fowl and Bantams were judged by the same judge. He selected the Large Fowl as Champion Ameraucana and a Bantam as Reserve Champion Ameraucana. It was nice to think that our Bantams could compete with the Large Fowl based on quality and the Standard of Perfection. If the Large Fowl and Bantams were judged by two different judges, let them discuss it. Judges are able to come to decisions about Champion Row all the time. I think that open discussion between two or more judges could help educate some of the judges who aren't well versed on the Ameraucana Breed Standards.

Just Saying,