Author Topic: ABC Constitution & Bylaws  (Read 3434 times)


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ABC Constitution & Bylaws
« on: August 12, 2006, 09:04:31 AM »
In the upcoming ABC Bulletin members will have the opportunity to vote on four proposed changes to the Constitution.  I\'ll list them here for you to consider and debate.

Proposal “A”, Article V – Organization
Remove \"Vice President(s)\" from list of officers that comprise the Board of Directors.
Since the office of VP in \"honorary\" according to Article 1(a) they should not be Board members with the duties described in Article IV.
Proposal “B”, Article VII - Election of Officers
Change \"All ballots must be marked and returned within ten days...\" to \"Voting may be by mailing of a marked ballot or via email within ten days...  
This is to save on both time and money.
Proposal “C”, Article VII - Election of Officers
Add \"When only one member accepts the nomination for any office that person will be elected by acclamation.\"
I don\'t believe a person would accept the office if elected by a write-in vote when they wouldn\'t accept a nomination.  Voting isn\'t needed in these situations.
Proposal “D”, Article VIII - Club Meets
Add \"clockwise\" after the word \"rotated\" in the first sentence.
Remove \"Site of the national meet shall be determined by majority vote of the Board of Directors.\"
Add \"The District Director will place the National meet by November 15th for the following year.  If it is not placed, with notification to the Board, by that date the Director of the next District in rotation will have 30 days to place the National meet.\"
This will allow for proper rotation of the annual National meet, placing the responsibility on the individual Directors and at the same time allowing them to let the meet be placed in another District for whatever reason they may have.  The November 15th date allows time for the meet info to be placed in the Winter Bulletin.  This early notification helps exhibitors plan there hatching season so that birds will be mature by show time.


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ABC Constitution & Bylaws
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2006, 12:28:32 PM »
The fall ABC Bulletins were mailed the other day.  Ballots are enclosed to vote for officers and the proposed changes.
Please take time to vote.

faith valley

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ABC Constitution & Bylaws
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2006, 08:44:10 PM »
Can we email vote or must it be snail mail?



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ABC Constitution & Bylaws
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2006, 09:00:49 PM »
Snail mail this time,  :(but email the next time if proposal \"B\" passes. :D

Mike Gilbert

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ABC Constitution & Bylaws
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2006, 07:55:11 PM »
I would imagine most folks who are going to vote have voted by now, but I\'m going to say this anyway.   I agree with proposals one and two.    I don\'t agree with number three, because I don\'t think we should take away the right of a district to elect a write-in candidate.    Such a candidate may only decide to run at the last minute, so anyone voting for that person should first ensure that he or she would accept the office.  Plus, I think competition has served us well, even potential competition.  
On number four, it has always been the Board of Directors prerogative to place the national meet.   As per the present constitution and bylaws, the attempt should be made to rotate the national meet among the districts, and I don\'t think the Board has done a bad job in the past in its\' venue selections.    I don\'t believe the selection should be done by just one person.   There are timing issues and other factors that one person may not be aware of.    That said,  let me assure everyone I will be happy to abide by the decision of the majority.   That is the way we have always tried to operate in this organization.  


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ABC Constitution & Bylaws
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2006, 10:48:56 PM »
Got the club letter and ballot today, will mail it tomorrow.
Thanks, phil

Mike Gilbert

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ABC Constitution & Bylaws
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2006, 06:36:11 PM »
The newsletter is out, and the biennial election ballot is enclosed.   This is just a reminder for everyone to VOTE!!!
There are some important issues on the ballot, so be sure to participate in the decision making process.   I spoke with the election commissioner two days ago, and not that many ballots have come in so far.   You have until September 30th to get your ballot in the mail to him, but please don\'t wait that long.    Remember, those who don\'t vote forfeit their moral right to complain about the results.   Thanks for reading.


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ABC Constitution & Bylaws
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2006, 07:16:20 PM »
from Our election Commissioner:

The results of the election are:

President: John Blehm
Secretary/Treasurer: Michael Muenks
North Central: Jerry DeSmidt
Northeastern: Rob Sando
South Central: Paul Smith
Southeastern: Barbara Campbell
Western: Lisa Cree

Proposal \"A\": Yes
Proposal \"B\": Yes
Proposal \"C\": Yes
Proposal \"D\": Yes