Author Topic: The new ABC Handbooks are ready!  (Read 8920 times)


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The new ABC Handbooks are ready!
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2005, 10:13:03 AM »
Yes, welcome to the club.  After reading the bio on Douglas, on his company\'s website, I think we\'ll have to make him the official ABC photographer.  The weird thing is nothing was mentioned about Dawn or chickens(?).


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The new ABC Handbooks are ready!
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2005, 05:08:43 PM »

What stunning photos, though. I say get thee (and thy camera) to a show! Or better yet to some of the breeders locations~ natural setting, natural light etc. So when is the first full color book on the Ameraucana coming out?
You can put me down for a copy right now!
Sounds like a collaboration in the making...

Still eagerly awaiting my 05 handbook (a work of art on it\'s own I\'m sure), then I\'ll pester you all with even more questions.


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The new ABC Handbooks are ready!
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2005, 11:07:28 AM »
Got it! My handbook arrived in the mail yesterday. Thank you all for putting so much useful information in one place and making it available to beginners like me.
I\'m going to finish reading it in the car today as Vince & I (& my camera) are off to the IPE in Armstrong, (bigger than a county fair.) I wonder if I\'ll see any Ameraucanas?
Anyway, I\'m sure I\'ll be seeing & learning lots! Thanks again for such a great resource both on paper and in the forum.