Author Topic: ABA National  (Read 14561 times)


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ABA National
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2010, 03:00:29 PM »
I see both sides of this, however, I am planning on going with a trailer full of birds, ABC National or not. I\'ll have 3 other breed clubs nationals to divide time between. That is one of the problems I see with such a big show. However, I think the benefits out weigh the negatives.


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ABA National
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2010, 04:41:41 PM »
Since the 2006 national we have changed the way we place national meets.  Then all the board members had a vote and now the just district directors will decide, but it would take all of them in agreement as I see it.
If you are a club member here is your chance to express your feelings on whether you would like our 2011 national at the APA/ABA Indy show or placed in the SC district (the clockwise rotation outlined in the current by-laws).
This time I plan to sit back and let the directors do thier thing.


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ABA National
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2010, 10:21:46 AM »
If I remember correctly, we discussed special provisions of moving an ABC national meet from a district to be placed at a special joint APA/ABA national, then the ABC national would return the following year, back to the district from which it was removed.  Then the rotation of the 5 districts would resume.

Personally I think our national ABC meet will be lost in the crowd of national breed meets at the joint APA/ABA national, but if that is where most ABC members want to show, I\'m willing to let it be there, as long as the SC District gets the national back in 2012.  Who knows-I may not even be
re-elected to serve another term.  I do know that united we stand, but divided we fall.

I also know an Ameraucana national meet will have a much larger show in Indy than it could have anywhere in the SC District, as we only have a few members who show.  I have worked on this problem for over a decade.  It seems as most who start out showing quit in a few years, after experiencing how much work and expense the poultry hobby creates.

I would appreciate hearing from all the district directors and as many ABC members as possible on this.  Lets keep all correspondence here on the forum so it will be open for everyone interested to see.

Paul Smith
Paul Smith

Mike Gilbert

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ABA National
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2010, 11:03:00 AM »
That is very open minded Paul.   Rest assured that Mary and I will make plans to attend no matter where you place the ABC National in 2011.   You have probably logged far more miles than any of the rest of us to attend nationals in the past ten or so years.    We will be behind your decision 100 percent.


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ABA National
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2010, 11:39:59 AM »
I agree it will be a very large show, however, I think the goal of getting the lavender and splash accepted to the standard outweigh the negative aspects of the large show.  This is probably one of the few shows that it would be possible for a long while.

Now, if we decide that it is not the right time to try to get these birds accepted, then I would say skip it.  

faith valley

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ABA National
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2010, 12:23:17 PM »
My experience with the joint nationals is that we are just a number in a crowd.  If the meet were to be placed there, would we be given an award package? Would we be given raffle table space or would we have to rent our space? Would we get several tables to do our egg contest and our club business or would we only be given one table?

We placed our call duck national at the last joint national- the call duck entries at any national will be at least 700 birds so a big draw.  We had to rent our own raffle table space and cages for those raffle birds at that show and we were given only one table for club business and had to fuss to get that second table for the raffle. I also dont recall an award package. We were treated like a number in the crowd, and we had the largest national. Yes, Bill and Dave were friendly and wonderful men that they are-  top notch guys, but we were not given any special treatment like we would have gotten at a smaller show.

I would rather see our national meet go to a show that it will make a difference for that particular show.  A show that will offer a decent award package to get our national meet and a show that we will be treated special- not just another number in the crowd.

If we feel that we need to be represented at this joint national, why not place a district or state meet there?

As to the Lavendar acceptance, we can go with a meet other than this one. I know for an acceptance of a variety, it is suppose to be a semi annual or annual meet of the APA or ABA, but for special situations, they have bent that rule.  The chocolate calls were accepted at the Lucasville, OH, meet.  It was not a semi-annual or an annual meet or either the APA or ABA.  They just approved this other meet for this one situation.  Will they do that for us as well? I dont know, but we certainly could ask if that situation arose.

Dont get me wrong, the joint national will be a fabulous show with tons of birds to enjoy... but is it the right meet for us?  I dont know. I guess I would love to hear what they will offer us in an award package before I made my mind up either way. I have seen the call duck offer, and will not vote in favor of placing the call duck national at that meet.

Has Bill or Dave put in an official bid to the ABC and what was included on that bid? I think that info would help us all to make informed comments - right now it is all just a lot of questions...

Just thoughts to consider...



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ABA National
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2010, 10:30:16 PM »
Thanks Patty for sharing your experience with the huge shows!

Thanks Jean, I must also agree this could be a great show to get the varieties that the ABC has been working on recognized.

What about the black gold?

Thanks Mike for your support.  Even though we missed the last two nationals we have been many thousands of miles to go to the nationals.  Now that the house is livable, but not totally finished we are going to start going again.  We didn\'tgo last year but three of our best black pullets did.  Thanks to Dennis, they were 1st, 3rd and 4th.  I understand he managed to get a good black cockerel for them.  Everyone will have some tough competition at the 2010 national!  Yes, my goals are being accomplished!  Thanks Dennis.  I\'m looking forward to meeting you at the 2010 national.

Jerry, could we get you to get a bid from Bill Wulff for the ABC national at Indy?

I\'ll contact Bernita Mill for one at Sedalia.

I\'m hoping others will let us know your thoughts!  Thanks to everyone who has!!

Paul Smith
Paul Smith


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« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2010, 02:09:16 PM »
I will get on it right away


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« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2010, 09:35:39 AM »
This is what I got today

Below is the letter I sent to the officers

specifically in July…thanks…Dave



The Crossroads of America Poultry Club is once again having a show.

The dates are October 28-29-30, 2011

Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis, Indiana


We are applying for the ABA and APA National Meets to once again have a Joint National Meet.


We want your club to be part of this huge event and hope to top all records we obtained in 2006. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to place your 2011 National Meet at our show. Once again we will be giving the Breed Club a say by ranking your choice from the list of our judges. The sooner your club returns written confirmation via letter or email I will add your name to the list. To ensure your top choices it is best to respond ASAP.


The minimum awards should be the same as in 2006. Each Breed Club National will receive $150.00 total in awards: two $25 plaques sponsored by our club if your club represents only Large Fowl or Bantams plus $100 in additional awards or four $25 plaques if your club represents both Large Fowl and Bantams plus $50 in additional awards and each breed club will have a table and two chairs.


I do not need information for the catalog until Spring of 2011 and will contact you all again later for that information. But feel free to start raising donations now for award money because you know the more awards you have up for grabs the more people who will enter in your breed.


If you have any further questions feel free to email me or call me at 1-765-825-0621.


Thanks…Dave Wulff


faith valley

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ABA National
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2010, 10:41:13 AM »
We all understand that this decision is solely the decision of the directors, but you all asked for discussion, comments, and questions.. so here goes...

So to sum that up, we have been offered:

* $150.00 in plaques or cash/plaque combination to equal $150.00.

* One table with 2 chairs

* Judge choice depending on when the meet is placed.

1. Can anyone tells us what we usually get for an award package for the club national? This seems pretty low to me.  

2. Can we run our egg contests, club business, and silent auction(if the directors choose to do one again) off one table?

3. Do we have the lavendars, black gold, or splash ready for standardization?  Do we have the 5 breeders for 5 years in each variety, the filing fees, and the 50 birds of each color? Do we have verbal committments from breeders to bring a certain amount to that show for the qualification meet?

4. If I remember correctly, this show was a $3.00 entry fee in 2006.  There was talk of raising the entry fee, has anyone heard if it did go up and if it did go up in price would that affect our numbers for those particular colors seeking a qualification meet?

5. Would it help the directors to poll the membership to see who all plans to attend this meet?  I know plans change at the last minute, but it might give helpful insight at this point.
Just thoughts to ponder....

You all have a tough decision ahead. I know that many members will agree with me in that we truely do appreciate you all asking for membership comments and input before you go to final deliberation on this decision that you will need to make.

Thanks for including us all in your discussion process, not all clubs do that.  It just shows how unique our club is and how our board is really thinking about how to best serve the ABC membership.  You all are doing a wonderful job. I know you dont hear that often enough, but I for one do appreciate the time that you invest.


Blue Egg Acres

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ABA National
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2010, 06:16:13 PM »
I apologize for the delay in commenting.  I\'ve been down with a stomach virus.

I have an email out to the southeastern district members asking for their thoughts regarding placement of the 2011 national meet.  Personally, I feel it is Paul\'s call.


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ABA National
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2010, 02:33:31 PM »
This has not been put on the back burner.  I have a bid from Bernita, waiting on one from the Kansas Classic in Hutchinson.  I talked with Benny in 2004 about holding our national.  He wasn\'t interested.  When he saw our national show in Sedalia, MO. in 2005, he wanted one for 2006.  Apparently their club has changed leadership, as I\'m now dealing with George.  Planning on waiting only a few more days, then deciding they aren\'t interested.
Paul Smith

Mike Gilbert

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ABA National
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2010, 03:00:52 PM »
The article in the February Poultry Press that starts on page one and is continued on page three lists sixteen national meets already in place for the Crossroads show.  The cutoff date for that issue was January 10th, so who knows how many more Nationals have been placed since the ABA placed their national meet there.   The ABC would be Wa-a-a-y down the list for choice of judges and order of judging.  Is anyone else beginning to think this would not be an optimal venue for us?

faith valley

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ABA National
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2010, 03:32:46 PM »
Just a couple other thoughts to consider in your thought process~

Crossroads is running at the same time as the ARBA Rabbit Nationals (same location). So parking will be a challenge and hotels may also be hard to come by. Plan on some walking or possibly shuttle buses.

The poultry show will not be held in the same building they were before; they will use two buildings east of the old location.

I am sure that Bill & Dave will work all of this out, but I thought it might be good to point these issues out as well while the discussion is going on.



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ABA National
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2010, 09:48:37 AM »
Here is the bid from the Missouri State Poultry Association.  The show would be at the fairgrounds in Sedalia, Missouri.  This is not the same poultry club that held our 2005 national, as that club disbanded.  I plan on presenting two proposals tomorrow for all the directors to vote on.  They are already written-just giving a little time to consider each show first.

Bid for ABC National Oct 15, 2011 or Oct, 2012 the 3rd Sat.

We the Missouri State Poultry Assoc. would like to host your national  show.
Our building can hold up to 2,000 bird single caged. ABC can choose the judge you want out of the 4 judges that we will have.                                                                      

We will rebate $1.00 per bird entered up to 100 birds.
We will have painted trophies for Champion and Reserve Champion bird.

2 or more tables for club meeting, silent auction.

ABC National will be in the first show starting at 8am. and will be on the front rows. Will advertise in Poultry Press.

We have several motels that we can use.
Prices this year was 55 dollars.

Please consider us for your national

Thank You
Bernita Miller
Paul Smith